I have come across many new writers and first time authors that always ask me how to find book publishers. I deal with many major and small publishing companies and most of them have the same criterion determining which authors to accept.

Here are the 5 Keys to Getting Published:

1. Outstanding Writing
Nothing moves a publisher more than coming across great writing.  One agent said in regards to fiction, “I enjoy a good page turner that can keep me awake at night.”  Publishers want your writing to have good character development, a strong, assured narrative voice and a great plot.  If you are writing non-fiction, it should be well organized and clear.  A great writer can make boring stories come alive.

2. Great Media Connections
Having strong media connections is very important for non-fiction writers, but it is also becoming just as important for fiction writers.  Publishers want authors who speak at engagements regularly or write in a syndicated newspaper column.  They feel as if marketing the book is key to its success.

3. Understand the Genre
Publishers are shocked that first time authors don’t use research in their genre to know what sells and what doesn’t.  They believe you should read at least 30-50 books from your competition.

4. Willing to be Open
Some agents enjoy providing editorial input before your work is delivered
to a publisher.  As a first time author, you have to be willing and open to accept
feedback and criticism to make changes that will make your
work more marketable.

5.  Query Letter
Last but no least, and this should be number 1.  A lot of publishers will not even consider an author’s submission if they do not submit a great query letter. They say that query letters should use a standard format and should be no more than 2 pages.

In conclusion, if you follow these criteria, it should be much more easier to find book publishers to accept your work.  Good luck in your journey!

Looking for a great publishing company that will market, edit, and publish your book?  Visit http://www.mountainvalleypress.com.

find book publishers

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