The Book Writer’s Guide To Self-Publishing
Self-publishing has become common practice for many writers who want accolades of having a book published, no matter who publishes it. Writers choose self-publishing for various reasons. Many writers desire the freedom and business aspects of publishing work independently. A self-published writer is one who is in control of every aspect of their published work. The publishing industry defines self-publishing as authors publishing their own books or other media, instead of with a third-party publisher. Today’s technology has increased the pool of self-publishers, but it still represents only a small percentage of the publishing industry in terms of sales. The proliferation of media channels, such as blogging, video, and audio content, has contributed to the increase in self-publishers.
The business of self-publishing books and other media is different from any other business. The absence of a traditional publisher makes self-publishing unique. The author of the content takes on the role of the traditional publisher. The author controls the editorial content, arranges for printing, markets the material, and distributes the material to consumers and retailers. Self-publishers publish their books in printed form, or choose print-on-demand with no inventory. Many self-published authors decide to subsidize their work rather than making money from it. Digital printing technology has evolved self-publishing into digital photo book printing. Self-publishers are able to get individually printed photo books from firms like Apple’s iPhoto, FotoInsight, Snapfish, and Printing-1.
Many writers have varied motives to self-publish. One common reason is the writer’s work is not of interest to the commercial publisher, and otherwise not marketable. Another common reason is the writer prefers to retain complete editorial control over content. Many writers are unwilling to compromise editing of their work, and some writers prefer to have their work presented “as is.” Literary agents and book agents may deny publishing a book because the author is unknown and does not have a substantial resume. Self-publishing may also be an alternative for writers who have written material on a popular topic but the topic is only interesting in a small geographic area. Literary agents and book agents may also deny publication because the book addresses an obscure topic in which few people are interested. Writers of controversial works may also choose to self-publish, as many traditional publishers refuse to work with controversial writings. Some authors choose self-publishing because they want a larger royalty from retail sales.
Self-publishing is not a shortcut to having a printed book. Depending on what your goals are, it may or may not be a direction you would like to take. In the hard copy world, self-publishing is costly. Getting a book into print costs more money than many writers want to spend. This is why the Internet is a blessing — it’s free. You can either start up a free website of your own and post your novel, or pay a small monthly sum and sell your writing online. If you can write well enough to catch someone’s attention, your readers may be willing to pay for a download of your book. By self-publishing online, you avoid the normal book publishing costs and still get exposure. Who knows, you may be lucky and grab the attention of a publishing guru who thinks you could make a lot of money from your self-published book.
Whatever your reason is for self-publishing, you should know that self-publishing requires extensive work. Self-publishing involves a long list of tasks, which include prepublication and publication. Prepublication includes editing or obtaining editing for the manuscript, proofreading, establishing yourself as a legal retail business, and obtaining an ISBN “Cataloging in Publication” number.
The publication process involves formatting the manuscript, providing front matter and back matter, and providing cover art for the front and back covers and the spine of the book. Self-publishers must also obtain printing quotes, determine how to deliver the manuscript to the printer, and pay for printing and delivery of finished books.
Publishing a book online is easier than publishing in the world of hard copy. The result is not as glorified, but it is a step towards success in the published realm. The more experience you can get writing, the better writer you will be.
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What is the book publishing process like? Is it true that you only get 20% or lower if your a minor?
When you send your book to a publisher, and they want to publish it, how does it all happen? Do you have to sigh anything? Do you have to go anywhere in order for it to be made?
Also, is it true in most states, you only get 20% of whats published and sold if you are under the age of 18 (Or 20.)
I want to also get my book published, and this is what I have learned so far…find an agent! He/She will be the one who has the connections to editors and publishers.
What my plan was going to send my story to this site.
Trust me they are really good! They are two professional editors, you don’t pay them sign up for anything etc. All you do is follow the instructions and they will edit it for you.
After that I went onto this site
and this tells you how to write an email query letter which your friend will have to do to find an agent then she can simply look for agents that do her genre in writing and there you go! lol
although it isn’t that simple but it will take time;_ylt=AvlXoOX5yMqSM4YTzMkUTDYjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20080707215832AAz4ZWw
the answer that Persiphone_Hellecat gave to this question will answer your question about the publishing process please read it!
1. you must complete a fiction piece prior to finding an agent
2. revise! revise! revise! Get other people to look at it. And by revise, I don’t mean edit for grammar mistakes only, rewrite weak sentence etc.
3. When you are done, you will want to contact an agent. At that point (it will be at least a month I assume) you will want to go to the website and find more information there. there are tons of websites available about writing query letters
4. Okay, the agent: an agent reads your query, if they like it, they will ask you for a partial (3 chapters, 50 pages, somehting like that), if they like that, they wil ask for an ms. A month or two goes by and they will hopefully say they want to represent you. (see how you have to have the book done before you query? it is so it will be ready if the agent wants more). You two will sign a contract. NO MONEY WILL BE GIVEN
5. The agent will be select in getting your ms to pubs. MANY pubs will only look at mss from agents. so you really want an agent. When the pub decides to take your book, you, your agent, and the pub will negotiate contract. ANOTHER reason you want an agent. most writers don’t know legal jargon
6. Okay, contract is signed. Hopefully you get an advance on your royalties. That money (let’s say 5000 to be optimistic) goes to your agent. The agent takes the check and takes out thier fee (usually 15%) and cut you your check (don’t be alarmed, this is how it goes)
7. As your book sells, you will get royalties, usually ove varying percentages depending on how much you sell (the more the book sells the hight % of the sales you get)
8. Again, pub sends the agent the check, agent takes their cut, you get check.
So lets just say, your book has a $10.00 list price (what you called a cover price), 10% of that is sent to your rep. The rep then takes her 15%. You get .85 cents per book. Again, agents will negotiate things for you, allowing you (and there for her) to get as high of a percentage as possible.
Okay…I think I desereve 10 points for writing ALL that down:) really do check out and I would suggest reading some lit agent blogs to get an idea of things. is by Kristin Nelson. She has Agenting 101 articles in the blog as well as sample query letters. Right now though, FINISH THE BOOK!
They will send you a contract, which you have to read (and understand–if you are lucky enough to have this happen to you, ask for help with it!!) and sign. You don’t have to go anywhere, you just send them the stuff and they take care of it.
You will get less than 20% of the sales regardless of how old you are. We generally give royalty rates of 7 to 10 percent of our net receipts. This isn’t actually as bad as it sounds. First, you have to take the cost of the actual physical book–the cost for the paper, the ink, shipping it from a foreign printer to the warehouse in the US, etc. You also have to take the cost of everything the publishing company put into making it a book–they paid for people to edit the book, to design it, to do the layout, to make a cover. They may have paid for art or photographs for the book. And there’s the basic costs of keeping a publishing house running–electricity, computers, heating and water, etc. After they take all these costs out, the publisher may only get something like 20 cents on every copy of the book sold.
Say it’s a $18.00 book (list price), the publisher’s net receipts may be $10 (because we have to sell the books to Amazon and so on at a discount, so they can have a couple cents profit too when they sell to the consumer), and at a 10% royalty rate you’re getting a dollar per book, and the publisher is getting maybe 20 cents. You look at it at first and say, “I’m only getting one dollar on an $18 book; that means the publisher is keeping $17, that’s not fair!” when in reality that’s not the case at all.
book publishing process?
ok, my friend is writing a story and she might want to get it published. so when she is done with it i am just going to go through all the steps they do when the real people publish the books. if that makes sense…
so basically i just need to know the steps like the editing process and all of that.
I need advise for publishing a book?
I line in wisconsin and im wondering about the book publishing process. I am writing a about 450 page fantasy and so far have written 150 and I’m wondering how it all works. You know who should I give it to. Should I hire an agent? How much of the cover price do i get per book etc. 10 points for the most precise and informative answer. Thank you
how do I go about getting my book published?
I am finishing up with my novella and was wondering about the book publishing process. Also, what is the best way to get a copyright on your material too?
Step one is getting yourself a copy of Writers Market and searching for publishers and agents currently accepting books in your genre. The problem is that A List Publishers do not accept unsolicited queries and most A List Agents want to know which author in their stable recommended you. So you have to set your sites a little lower. There are many medium sized and smaller presses and agencies out there. In their listing in Writers Market they will tell you what percentage of new authors are in their stable. Look for the higher percentages for a better shot.
NEVER send your manuscript to anyone. You send a query letter and a synopsis according to the specific submission guidelines of the party you are querying. They differ. Do NOT copyright. Nothing ticks agents and publishers off more than an author who copyrights themselves. It says to an agent “I don’t trust you”. Believe me agents and publishers have no desire to plagiarize your work. If and when you sell the book, a standard author’s contract will provide for the publisher handling the copyrights for you.
You can also go to my profile. You will find I star all great Q and A on writing and publishing. Scan through them and find some you think will help you. Many successful authors (that means ones who don’t have to self publish) have posted answers here to help out novices. Use their advice. Print out some you think will help and study them.
Lastly, if you believe in yourself and your book, you owe it to yourself to spend at least twice as much time trying to sell it traditionally as you did writing it.
They’re, Their, There – Three Different Words.
Careful or you may wind up in my next novel.
Pax – C
What is the process of book publishing?
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