Sports Book Publishers
Beat the Odds With Win Win Sports Betting
Author: umesh
Beat the Odds with Win Win Sports Betting
December 2008- In the mood to make a “can’t miss” bet? And win? With Win Win Sports Betting’s ( system you can join the other thousands of people who know the secret to beating the odds over 98% of the time!
Win Win, available exclusively at, is the e-book that will change your life and bolster your bank account. Teaching you to win consistently, night after night, Win Win is composed of the proven strategies that work and make money.
Developed by sports betting guru and self-made millionaire, Jack Pace, Win Win has been featured on ESPN, SpikeTV, NBC, ABC and CBS Sports. Revealing the secrets to successful betting in football, baseball, basketball, soccer and hockey, in the 21-page Win Win book, Mr. Pace has made betting and winning easy. Within the Win Win eBook you will find Sports Betting System Fundamentals, Proper Bankroll Management, NBA Betting System, MLB Betting System, NFL Betting System, “Favored” NFL Team Betting System, NBA, NCAA, NFL, NCALF System, the 4-Goal Betting System, Spread Betting Soccer System, Basketball Parlay Chase Two Teams, Sports Betting Resources and more.
“Starting with a bankroll of 0, I was able to make ,460 betting college football and the NFL in my first weekend! Thank you, Jack! Where have you been all my life?” states satisfied and enthusiastic customer, Carl J., from San Diego, CA.
Thousands of people have purchased the system featured in Win Win for over 00. For a limited time, Mr. Pace is offering his eBook, Win Win, for only ! Download immediately and begin winning. Nothing could be simpler.
Tired of being a loser? Bet on something you can count on! Purchase Win Win at today and place a winning bet tonight!
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I have a political book written. So if you find out how to publish it on your own let me know too. Does a publisher really only offer 3%? Wow that is horrible, I am getting into the publishing business.
Non fiction works differently than fiction.
With non-fiction, generally you do not write first. You produce a “book proposal” and shop it around. With fiction, you do the book proposal after you write the book.
The book proposal is your most important selling tool. It is a very specific document that must contain very specific items. I just finished doing one. It took me several days – close to a week actually. There are many good books on the market you can get that teach you how to write one. Do not underestimate its importance. It sells your book. So go to a bookstore and start reading through some of the books they have on the subject. The one I used is called How To Write A Winning Book Proposal.
From there, you go to Writers Market and start searching for agents or small publishers who produce books in that genre. You will not get through to major publishers without an agent.
I have experience in the field of sports related books – I ghostwrite for a major sports personality. Be very precise with your proposal. Make sure it is absolutely letter perfect and as detailed as you can make it.
Also I will tell yoiu that when producing a non-fiction book, you will have to keep copious notes. You will need releases from everyone you speak to. Every photo must be documented and releases signed. You have to keep logs of where information came from – how you obtained it. You will end up having 5 or 6 large spiral notebooks filled with information when you are through. It is a very difficult and tedious process – which is why non-fiction writing is not for everyone.
I do not write non-fiction myself but this past summer I took a Master Course with an author who was kind enough to show us the notes on his latest book. It was overwhelming the amount of material he had for one book that was 330 pages long.
Good luck.
They’re, Their, There – Three Different Words.
Careful or you may wind up in my next novel.
Pax – C
check out the following:
writers digest puts out annual editions of publishers, which you can probably check into at your local public library
Sport Media
Depends on what you’re more comfortable with. Writing a screenplay and writing a book happens to be two different skill sets. Write the one you’re more comfortable with, and that you have the greater chance to complete.
Check this site for information on the whole publishing process:
You could make it available as an electronic book (e-book) from your website. You make it available in a range of E-Book formats (Adobe Acrobat .pdf file, Microsoft Reader format, etc). You then allow people to purchase it by credit card using PayPal (the service most people use to buy things on eBay) and download it. The .pdf files can be viewed using the free adobe acrobat reader and Microsoft reader files can be viewed using Microsoft’s free reader program.
To publicize your website, you could use Google pay-per-click advertising or place adverts in electronic magazines (E-Zines – magazines sent out by e-mail to a big subscriber lists).
The ebook can include copy protection so it only works on the PC that it is downloaded onto. You can choose whether to allow people to print the book.
The book is call Tuckman, Bruce. (1965). Developmental sequence in small groups….email me and I can email a revised article that was written in Group Facilitation: A Research and Applications Journal Number 3, Spring 2001 or go to for more help….this will really help u
The Forming – Storming – Norming – Performing model of group development was first proposed by Bruce Tuckman in 1965, who maintained that these phases are all necessary and inevitable in order for the team to grow, to face up to challenges, to tackle problems, to find solutions, to plan work, and to deliver results. This model has become the basis for subsequent models of group development and team dynamics and a management theory frequently used to describe the behavior of existing teams. It has also taken a firm hold in the field of experiential education since in many outdoor education centers team building and leadership development are key goals.
In the first stages of team building, the forming of the team takes place. The team meets and learns about the opportunity and challenges, and then agrees on goals and begins to tackle the tasks. Team members tend to behave quite independently. They may be motivated but are usually relatively uninformed of the issues and objectives of the team. Team members are usually on their best behavior but very focused on themselves. Mature team members begin to model appropriate behavior even at this early phase. Sharing the knowledge of the concept of “Teams – Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing” is extremely helpful to the team.
Supervisors of the team tend to need to be directive during this phase.
The forming stage of any team is important because in this stage the members of the team get to know one another and make new friends. This is also a good opportunity to see how each member of the team works as an individual and how they respond to pressure.
[edit] Storming
Every group will then enter the storming stage in which different ideas compete for consideration. The team addresses issues such as what problems they are really supposed to solve, how they will function independently and together and what leadership model they will accept. Team members open up to each other and confront each other’s ideas and perspectives.
In some cases storming can be resolved quickly. In others, the team never leaves this stage. The maturity of some team members usually determines whether the team will ever move out of this stage. Immature team members will begin acting out to demonstrate how much they know and convince others that their ideas are correct. Some team members will focus on minutiae to evade real issues.
The storming stage is necessary to the growth of the team. It can be contentious, unpleasant and even painful to members of the team who are averse to conflict. Tolerance of each team member and their differences needs to be emphasized. Without tolerance and patience the team will fail. This phase can become destructive to the team and will lower motivation if allowed to get out of control.
Supervisors of the team during this phase may be more accessible but tend to still need to be directive in their guidance of decision-making and professional behavior.
[edit] Norming
At some point, the team may enter the norming stage. Team members adjust their behavior to each other as they develop work habits that make teamwork seem more natural and fluid. Team members often work through this stage by agreeing on rules, values, professional behavior, shared methods, working tools and even taboos. During this phase, team members begin to trust each other. Motivation increases as the team gets more acquainted with the project.
Teams in this phase may lose their creativity if the norming behaviors become too strong and begin to stifle healthy dissent and the team begins to exhibit groupthink.
Supervisors of the team during this phase tend to be participative more than in the earlier stages. The team members can be expected to take more responsibility for making decisions and for their professional behavior.
[edit] Performing
Some teams will reach the performing stage. These high-performing teams are able to function as a unit as they find ways to get the job done smoothly and effectively without inappropriate conflict or the need for external supervision. Team members have become interdependent. By this time they are motivated and knowledgeable. The team members are now competent, autonomous and able to handle the decision-making process without supervision. Dissent is expected and allowed as long as it is channelled through means acceptable to the team.
Supervisors of the team during this phase are almost always participative. The team will make most of the necessary decisions. Even the most high-performing teams will revert to earlier stages in certain circumstances. Many long-standing teams will go through these cycles many times as they react to changing circumstances. For example, a change in leadership may cause the team to revert to storming as the new people challenge the existing norms and dynamics of the team.
[edit] Further Developments
[edit] Adjourning and Transforming
Tuckman later added a fifth phase, adjourning, that involves completing the task and breaking up the team. Others call it the phase for mourning.
A team that lasts may transcend to a transforming phase of achievement. Transformational management can produce major changes in performance through synergy and is considered to be more far-reaching than transactional management.
[edit] Norming and Re-Norming
It has also been suggested, most notably by Timothy Biggs, that an additional stage be added of Norming after Forming and renaming the traditional Norming stage Re-Norming. This addition is designed to reflect that there is a period after Forming where the performance of a team gradually improves and the interference of a leader content with that level of performance will prevent a team progressing through the Storming stage to true performance. This puts the emphasis back on the team and leader as the Storming stage must be actively engaged in to succeed – too many ‘diplomats’ or ‘peacemakers’ especially in a leadership role may prevent the team from reaching their full potential.
[edit] FNP variant for Technical teams
Recent research into small technical team dynamics has not supported the presumption of each stage being necessary and sequential. Early evidence suggests that “storming” behaviors do not form a distinct stage, but occur more or less evenly over time for these teams. “Norming” and “performing” behaviors also show substantial overlap rather than appearing as distinct stages.[1]
Do Marilyn Monroe. Find a book about her and the picture with her white dress blowing.
Use that picture but put it on the entire slip of paper. Then wherever you find a space around the top area towards one side or the other, put the Title, author, publisher. Where her legs are, just under the blowing dress, you can give a brief description or summary of the book.
The picture is so well known that it identifies your subject fast.
Remember to put the Title , Author and Publisher in different sizes from larger to smaller, with the title begin larges and the other 2 the same but smaller.
Good Luck!
I think Govt did the right thing to come to the rescue….but I cant still understand why some one should in the first place object to a book fair…..being held. Book fairs offer variety of good books at discounted prices and book fairs are the best place for anyone who likes to read. Anyway good that Govt has come forward.
How else do I promote a book “Living on Love – The Messenger” by Klaus Joehle?
I found this book on the internet back in 1999, and loved it so much that translated it into Russian, put it online and in 2005 it was picked up by a big Russian publisher and is selling well there.
So now I’d like to see the book become as popular in the States too. So I created a site, a forum, and a Yahoo-group that serves as a newsletter. But I still don’t see mane new people coming up. Maybe it’s just a matter of time?
Advice please how else can I push this book about the Power of Love and Winning Sports Bets to the States?
Contacting an agent could work… But it’s more fun when the publisher comes on it’s own! :)))
Thank you for your answers!
This and several other books by Klaus Joehle are available free online as html and doc files. His last book “Money is Love” is also awailable as downloadable mp3 files.
I have written 85% of a sports book. How can I make good money from this book online?
I would really love to make money from my sports book but I want to avoid any pitfalls out there.
If I get a publisher onto it will they just giev me a small percentage, like 3% or something.
I have 90% of the text ready
I have 75% of the photos ready
I have 90% of the diagrams ready
I have previously tried to sell a similar but different book online but just sold a handful of copies. I guess I need the traffic before I get noticed.
Any help Gretefully reeived.
Can anybody tell me a publisher who wants to publish sports books? Send me their contact info also.?
i am trying to find a publisher for my book
Getting a book published?
I have what I believe is a good idea for a non-fiction “season in the life” type sports book. The story will be more compelling a year from now and I am wondering how to go about seeing if any publishers may have interest.
Can anyone with experience tell me how to get started? Anything from who I would contact at the various publishers to see who to send my submission to and what to include in my proposal. Any type of protocol really.
Clearly I have very little experience in this realm, any further advice would be appreciated.
India: Calcutta Book Fair’08 from 1st March at Salt Lake Stadium ?
Calcutta, 01-02-08, IST 23=51
The postponed Book Fair’08 which was scheduled at Park Circus Maidan (Calcutta) is reseduled and starts from 1st March’08 at Salt Lake Stadium complex. Renamed : Calcutta Book Fair’08
Book lovers of the state was not happy with “who ever” was trying to bann the fair in the name of environment. On the other end was the pressure from the ‘business lobby” who was in great distress for cancellation of the fair which cater to huge annual selling from the mega event of the city.
Direct and indirect pressure was mounted on the popular Govt. of the state to intervene and end the dead lock. Now the Sports Deptt. will organise and other publishers’ association will be the co-organisers.
Do you think that a popular Govt. was right to come forward to rescue ….??
help me, please. (sports psychologists would probably know the answer)?
yo, dudes.
does anyone know the details of this book?
i need to put it in the bibliography of a college assignment.
the only things i know about it are that it is a book of sports psychology, and was written by a guy called tuckman in 1965.
sorry i cant be more specific, but if i could, i wouldnt need to be asking you would i?
i need to know the title, the publisher and the town/city where the publisher is/was based.
How can i get my memoir published into a book? 10 pts!!!?
I wrote a memoir for school, and i heard about how you can get your memoir published in like a book of memoirs. do you know what i mean? well everyone, teachers, parents, classmates, were very impressed in my memoir. i just wanted to know if anyone can suggest publishers or how to get it into a memoir book for teens or a sports memoir book. i am not trying to brag, i just always wanted to be in a book 🙂 i will give 10 pts 🙂
I Need to do abt a book in a slip of paper in my school library week!!PL help me?
Pl frnds help me
The competition is like this
everyone shuold make the front cover of a book containing the name,publisher,author thn a picture and a brief description abt the book..
i would like to take biography..
Pl suggest me with a good book..and tel me how to do tht.
the size of the paper is very smalll….
Liverpool Sport Publishers?
Hi, Does anyone know of any Sport Publishers that are based in, or near, Liverpool, England? I’ve a few sport books based on football competitions I make as a hobby, and was interested in publishing them. Thanks for help
Should I write a book or movie script first?
I have a great idea for a story based-on a youth sports team. I think this has potential to be a great movie or even something ESPN might pick-up? I know there are issues with screenwriting and finding a publisher, etc…. but I was curious to know if I should write it as a book or screenplay (movie) first?
Thanks for suggestions.
I guess another thing I’m debating is that it seems most movies are derived from books… hence my question.