Publishing Major
Tuesday, April 19th, 2011 at
1:04 pm
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Go ahead, go for it! There’s no reason why you shouldn’t. Like you said, it’s a major publishing company and a very important editor, so of course you should go! And you’d be in the area anyways, so it wouldn’t hurt to stop by.
Good luck 🙂
Should I go in person to a Major Publishing Company?
Should an author go in person to a publishing company?
Should I go in person and follow up with an editor that is reading my manuscript. I figured that since I would be in the New York area I would just go in person. To ask upfront, what the editor thought about my work. Its a major publishing company and a very important editor, and I believe it would show my enthusiasm to pop up in person but I need a second opinion.
You can. They usually have to buy the book rights from the old publishing company. It really depends on a lot of things.
I would submit it to the larger company, but be up front and tell them the time period of the old publishing. Tell them you are looking for a larger distribution of the book.
Are you in any contract with the old company. How successful was the book. Was it Distribution problem. Lack of promotion on their part.
I would start with submitting it to the new company and see if they even want it and if they do they will work some of things out for you.
I suggest self-publishing. It doesn’t discriminate any age group or whatever.
There are several schools of thoughts about it but I see it as a writer’s strategy to get his or her book published fast. The author also has full authority over the manuscript.
Xlibris is a self-publishing company that has a really good reputation on its excellent and wide ranging publishing services.
Get a free book publishing guide from them and they will walk you through the whole process:
I hope you find this information helpful.
Publishers get far too many unsolicited manuscripts to ever read them all. Plus, many of
these manuscripts either are not the type of thing that the publisher is looking for, are in the
wrong format, don’t have proper copyrights, etc. In other words, the great majority of these
books would end up wasting the editors valuable time (no disrespect intended to you).
Instead, they have established this system whereby there are agents who know the
business and the types of things the various publishers are looking for. These agents have built up
a relationship with the editors in which the editor trusts the agent’s recommendation and judgement,
and are thus more willing to take the time to at least look at the manuscript. The agent also makes
sure that everything on the business end is done properly, that the manuscript is in an acceptable
format, etc.
So if you want a real chance to get your book read by a major house, you do need an agent.
With that said, there are a few publishing houses that are interested in looking at unsolicited manuscripts. These houses always publish a set of writers guidelines, listing the kinds of things
they are looking for, and the proper format for submission. Your best bet is to get a copy of a
book called “the Writers Market”. There is a new one published every year, and it contains all the
info you need. Good luck!
Good Major Book Publishing Companies for 15 Year Olds?
I wanted to know if there were any major book publishing companies, you know, like Wizards of the Coast and all that, that a 15 year old could join?
I want someone who will be able to publish what I have written, someone good/popularish.
what is my first step in trying to get a book deal with a major publishing company?
i want to make a book deal with a major publishing company but i have no idea where to begin.
First of all either borrow from the local library or (preferably) buy a copy of Writer’s Market 2007 or the most recent copy you can find. Look through it and make a list of ALL the publishers who will accept your genre. Read the information on their entry. It will tell you whether or not you can deal with them directly or if you have to go through an agent. After that, you simply follow their submission guidelines.
Why do you have to go through a literary agent to submit a manuscript to a major publishing house?
I wrote a children’s book and wanted to submit it to Random House, but they do not accept submissions unless you go through an agent. Why is this?
If I do get an agent, can I tell them which publishing companies I want them to go to or do I have to accept what they give me?
Is it possible to contact a major publishing company about your book after it has been published?
The book has been published and now I am wondering if I can go to a larger publishing company?