Publishing Books
Sell More Books Publishing With Createspace And Lightning Source
Torn between Createspace’s free POD and Lightning Source or some other POD with great distribution? The answer is simple — use them both.
How to get a book published? Thatâs a fairly easy question to answer these days. You just take it to Createspace or one of the other print-on-demand book publishers.  But which one? That is the hardest question of them all.
Createspace was the first with a truly free print-on-demand package for those looking to publish a book.  Those who publish a book with Createspace get easy and full access to the book-hungry throngs at This is certainly a seductive prospect for any self-publisher or small publisher.   Self-publishers and book publishing companies are naturally drawn to Amazonâs huge marketplace.  Yet publishing through Createspace limits your distribution to Amazon-friendly markets. Â
When your book is printed with Lulu you do get backdoor access to Amazon but you also get a global distribution network. That means book wholesalers and lots and lots of brick-and-mortar bookstores. âMarketing bookâ is just as important as âpublish book.â
Yet Amazon will shortly have the lionâs share of the market. Noticed lately what has happened to your local bookstore?
You can only publish a book with one book publisher. But Createspace and Lulu (and similar companies) are not book publishers but book printers. You can use as many book printers as you like. Since weâre only talking about book printing and not book publishing, thereâs a simple solution to the conundrum: use both companies.
This will entail a greater expense, but it will be a good investment. Once you have a block of ten ISBNs, you are considered a publisher.  You can use one ISBN each for Createspace and Lulu. ISBN stands for International Standard Book Number and your number uniquely identifies your title to the book publishers market. To the publishing world, it will be two different books. However, all the profit goes back to you.
These two little numbers will get you all the benefits of the two different PoD companies (or most others you wish to use).
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publishing books???
I’ve already written 2 books and im starting on my 3rd. Friends and family have red my stories and all loved them. I’m only 14 years old but i would love for my books to be published and having people reading them, also I wouldn’t mind earning some money off of this.
But the question is, how would I publish them????
Friends and family are notoriously bad sources for objective evaluations of your work.
Give some selections to your English teacher and see what she/he says about them. Be sure you ask for honest feedback.
To start the process of publishing, edit, revise and rewrite your books until they are the best that you can get them. Once you’re satisfied, start researching literary agents. Bookstores and libraries are full of books about how to get published, how to find an agent, and how to query them. Sometimes writing the query letter is harder than writing the book. Be sure you follow each agent’s instructions on how and what to submit to the letter.
Then be patient. It takes a very long time for agents to reply, and most of the replies will be rejections.
You might also think about e-publishing. Go to, find books that are similar to those you have written, and track down those e-book publishers. E-publishers will accept un-agented queries/submissions, and they’re often less selective than agents and print publishers. Again, follow each publisher’s submission guidelines exactly.
It’s a lot of hard work. You’ll need a thick skin and lots of determination to succeed. Good luck!
Yes, of course, if you have the money you can publish privately.
Like if you were writing a recipe book just for your close family members or if you were writing a high school clique book for your friends…… whatever you want if you have the money for it.
That’s called vanity publishing when you pay for it yourself and self-publish.
Bookstores won’t carry self-published books.
If you want to get a real publisher who pays you, then you need to get an agent first.
The best self-publishing press is supposed to be Lulu.
All legal documents (including the contract) will require your real name so that’s what you give to the agent. The manuscript should have your real name and address on the cover page. You can follow your real name with “writing as _________” and give your pen name.
Now if you are referring to real people in your book and that’s why you are using a pen name, be aware that it will not protect you from lawsuits. Same thing with “borrowing” paragraphs from published works. Anyone who is concerned enough to find out who you are will simply contact the publisher.
If you would like to know more on this subject or other areas pertaining to writing, there’s a new amateur writers chat called “The Write Stuff” on Friday nights at 10:30 Eastern time. Location is It’s a private chat room so there’s no bots and no perverts. Moderated by professional writers.
Anyone can get his or her book self-published on the internet these days. Before the internet, they would have been the nutter in the corner of the poetry cafe with the photocopied manuscript. Before photocopiers, they would have been sitting there with handwritten copies. Before universal education, they would have had to get a real job.
Not that I’m deploring universal education, of course. But these people are basically delusional. I think it very unlikely that any of them survives on an income from writing; certainly very few of them are reviewed in print or sold in real bookshops.
Anyone can sit on a throne, wear a tinfoil hat and call himself a king. But he only becomes a king if we all consider ourselves his subjects. Ignore the literary trolls: they’ll be gone when their next shift at the burger bar starts, anyway.
i like to get published my stories, poems. I am in India and can you suugest any good publishing houses which encourage young writers and are ready to publish young writers book.
Publishing books…?
I’m a teen writer, currently I’ve had about six articles published and I’ve written a book. I want to get the book published but I don’t want to use my real name for many reasons. I don’t want to be recognised as the author. I want to keep it secret. But does anyone know How to do this? I know how to go about getting a agent but do I tell them my pen name or my real name? Make sense? Idk. if it doesn’t tell me and I’ll re-word. Thanks!
What is the story on people who seem illiterate publishing books?
Not to be critical, but I am seeing a lot of quesitons concerning those who apparently want advice (and it’s always incorrectly spelled “advise” when they use it in a sentence) about publishing a book, or getting an agent. I notice that the words in these questions are frequently misspelled, the grammar is atrocious, and sometimes the question is not even comprehensible in the least. Also, sometimes they say they have had three or four books published and are looking to publish another one. Where in the world are these people (some of whom cannot even seem to write a comprehensible question) going to get these books published and who would publish them? Certainly not an actual book publisher whose books you would find at Barnes and Noble or Borders. I did click on a link with one of them, and it took me to a site where this person’s book appeared. It was literally awful, with spelling errors, grammatical mistakes, and more. Nothing made sense. What’s going on here?
Also, many people seem to be asking for titles to their books and stories, or for others to write plots for them. If these people cannot even think up titles or plots, how in the world are they getting books published or even contemplating doing so? This is peculiar. Or, they post a bunch of mishmash, tell you it’s a vampire story (those seem very popular) and then ask for a name for their main character. Again, this all seems strange, as actual writers don’t have to ask other people for plots, names, titles, and those things. And these people are actually getting this stuff published? I am really confused.
Something I should have added before that just occurred to me. I am also seeing a lot of what is evidently passing as poetry written by what appears to be teens in the throes of passion, or rejection (I am not sure which), and I am further confused as they always ask for everyone’s opinion of their poem. This is fine, but an opinion is not really an answer to a real quesiton. It is merely an opinion. I am new here and I thought this was going to be a site (at least this section) where people asked questions about for instance, an author, or something like that. Instead I keep seeing things like: Do you like my poem. I read them and almost never do. Just had to add this point. This is not at all what I expected. And sometimes you don’t even know it’s a poem, because the lead in makes you think it’s a question about something else. This whole thing seems odd, and from the responses so far, I guess I have some in agreement. Thanks.
Publishing Books? ?
I’m just wondering, if you can publish privately. Like publish one book or just a little amount of books? Is that ok? Or what? ‘_’
ummm… —-> ‘_’ <----- it's a ? face hehehe ummm... ----> ‘_’ <----- it's a ? face hehehe