Manuscript Submissions
Tips On How And Where To Send Your Manuscript
Author: Christine Harrell
Why not just send your manuscript directly to publishers? Very often, writers search for companies to help them find publishers for their book projects all the time. The business of finding a publisher is a multi-step process. After the manuscript has been completed, edited, and formatted according to industry standards, the next step is to launch it properly into the world. Here are a few helpful tips to enable you to find the contact you need to connect your work to a publisher.
Keep in mind that agents do not want to deal with short works such as poetry and short stories. Agents work on commission, and there is no way to support themselves from sales of poetry and short fiction. The majority of larger publishing houses no longer accept un-agented submissions. It may seem a waste of time to query a large number of agents before querying publishers.
However, this is a time-consuming, but very necessary, part of the submission process for book manuscripts. If you want to get a good read, you’ll need an agent. Agents know what editors want. They spend much of their time cultivating relationships with acquisition editors. These are the folks who present books to their publishers for consideration. Networking with editors is an important part of an agent’s job. Editors are happy to receive good manuscripts from agents. It saves them time.
Good agents will help negotiate a decent contract for you. This is their area of expertise. Publishers are interested in making money and taking care of their needs. An agent will function as your advocate and make certain you receive a fair deal. If you don’t know about subsidiary rights and escalators, make sure an agent is on your side. Your agent will know which clauses are boilerplates and which may hurt your career. (Some people believe an attorney can replace an agent. Unless your attorney specializes in book contracts, find a good agent.)
Because agents work on commission, they are interested in getting you the best deal. Agents will monitor your royalty statements and help ensure that you receive prompt and proper payment. Most agents are paid 15% commission. A reputable agent should also provide you with copies of all rejection letters.
Do not begin querying agents until your book is complete. Unless you’re famous, agents won’t even read your query unless the book is ready to go. Nonfiction proposals are sometimes the exception to this rule. However, you’ll need to prove you can write the book, not just pitch it.
There are many people who advertise themselves as agents. Generally, they are NOT. Legitimate agents do not drum up business. There are literally tens of thousands of writers approaching a limited number of agents. They’ve got more work than they can handle. Your query packet must be perfect and represent you as a professional. It’s a difficult and time-consuming process, but there is no way around it. Get some professional help.
Finding an agent need not be a daunting task. If an agent requests money from you, run for the hills. Some expenses such as postage and copying costs are to be expected. However, over the years, unscrupulous people posing as literary agents have scammed would-be authors out of lots of money. Sometimes these scams are disguised as “editorial help.” Stay away. An agent should not insist that you have your manuscript doctored before agreeing to represent you.
Remember, an agent should act in partnership with you throughout the publishing process. A good agent offering good advice is a wonderful asset. There is simply no better way to build your writing career.
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About the Author
Author is a writer for Writer’s Relief who specialize in helping authors with
publishing short stories. For more information you can visit
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Hi there,
It seems to me that this is a reliable, trustworthy way of attracting agents. I don’t know how effective it is as the only means of attracting attention, though.
Standard manuscript format is:
12 pt Times New Roman or Courier
1″ margins all around
Indent each paragraph
8.5 x 11 inch paper
double spaced
Regarding your question specifically:
If your MS is double spaced, you DO NOT put another space between the paragraphs. And you absolutely MUST indent because that’s all that distinguishes a new paragraph.
A manuscript submission is a text of original writing that is prepared for possible publication. A novel, short story, novella, etc.
Send the revised version just as you sent it to the editor. Just make it look clean. Make it look “final copy.”
There is no reason to underline punctuation. Italics might get reverted back to regular text during formatting. But a comma will stay a comma. Etc.
Does anyone know what manuscript submissions mean?
i’m confused on the meaning and wanted to know if anyone could help me. thanks!
What format do publishers prefer for manuscript submissions (more in details)?
“Block style” paragraphs or indented paragraphs? I have been writing for a newspaper, so I’ve developed an eye for block style, but this publisher specifically requested double spaced. Since a space generally distinguishes between paragraphs in blocks, I don’t know what to do! Should I use indentions??
How effective is Christian Manuscript Submissions?
Does anyone have any personal experience or inside knowledge of the effectiveness of the online Christian Manuscript Submissions website to attract attention of publishers and literary agents (for my non-fiction sports book).
Question about manuscript submission to an agent?
I’m ready to start querying literary agents about my novel manuscript, but I have a few questions about formatting. I know the rules as far as double-spacing etc for EDITORS, but do agents want the exact same thing? Can I leave my italics as italics for an agent, or do I underline them instead like for an editor? Should I use Courier font, or is Times New Roman acceptable for an agent?
BTW, how about email submissions- any different rules from paper?
Do magazine editors expect punctuation to be underlined in manuscript submissions?
I’m writing a short story manuscript that will first be sent to Asimov’s Science Fiction magazine. I read that any text you wanted in italics should be underlined. However, when it comes to end punctuation, such as commas (in dialogue), periods, colons, and semi-colons, I have not underlined the punctuation. Will this bother editors?
This is my primary source for manuscript submissions: