Major Book Publishers
Book Report and Book Review – the Major Differences!
Author: Jenny Stewart
A book report is completely factual. It includes information on the author, title, place and year of publication as well as a summary of the content of the book. A book review, on the other hand, is much more personal. It is really an expression of the reader’s opinion of the work, or of specific aspects of the work. The review will probably include much of the same factual content as the report, but it is the reader’s personal opinions that are most important. For the purposes of this guide we will be dealing with the book report.
In the hustle and bustle of modern everyday life the simple pleasure of reading a good book is often forgotten. There is nothing easier yet more satisfying than sitting down in a favorite place to read. Find somewhere quiet and private where you are unlikely to be disturbed.
Obviously you have to read it cover to cover at least once to write a good book report. Do not make yourself read a set number of pages or chapters every day. This can make your reading a chore. Read as much as you are comfortable with and then put the book down until you are ready to start again.
After reading that book, now you have to start writing your book report. Start with the description of the book, and then if the book is a work of fiction, divide the whole book report writing in the following four parts
- Background & location – Origin Of the story
- Time Period – Past, Present or Future
- Characters
- The Main Plot
After this, write your personnel opinion bout the book. Is it too fictitious? What author trying to achieve and how much successful he was in achieving that.
And If the book is Non-Fiction in nature than you can start book reports just by giving an initial statement on the general subject of the book. After that statement, give a summarized version of that book, its whole concept, purpose and achievement.
Again in the end, you have to give your personnel or a general opinion over the book. Remember! Whether you are writing about fiction or non-fiction you must be sure to recognize the main idea or ideas in the book. So be sure that you have a good understanding of it before you begin to write book report. Keep the book beside you while you are writing your report so that you can refer to it when necessary.
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About the Author
Jenny Stewart is a PhD in Human Relation. She is an educational consultant and utilizing her skills in helping the students to accomplish there education successfully. She is changing the student’s difficulties into ease since many years by helping them with her skills and knowledge to get there projects done efficiently.
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You mean manga publishers?
Viz, SJ, and TokyoPop
The industry does not work like that. Purchase a copy of Writer’s Market or a similar guide, that lists literary agents. A “reader” in the office of the literary agent will read your manuscript, if he/she feels it is worthy of review by the literary agent, the agent will read it. Always include a large postage-paid envelope when you submit manuscripts so it can be returned to you. I was a reader for a New York City literary agency, most manuscripts end up in the trash can.
If you have friends with published books, ask them to introduce you to their literary agent.
Little Brown
Harper Collins
Random House
Hyperion Press
Simon and Schuster
John Wiley and Sons
Thomas Nelson
St. Martins
Thomas Nelson
And you cannot get near a single one of them without an A List Agent. They do not accept submissions from authors. This is the A List of publishers. Pax – C.
I’ve worked as a free-lance editor for Doubleday, Simon and Schuster, and several other NYC publishers, but the salaries vary tremendously even within the large houses, in large part since that job title is used very differently from one house to another. The job tasks can run from mostly scutwork to full-fledged book editing to imprint contract coordinator. So it depends very much on the what job tasks you do, as well as your experience and educational prep.
They may well not be in print anymore. If they are, or if there are used copies still in circulation, you should be able to find them by searching either Amazon or Abebooks.
Try the advanced search feature in both. If you know the authors, that’s best, but if you don’t, then I suggest you start with the genre, and search within it by whatever important characteristics you can recall.
Truly, I very much doubt that books this old will be available unless they were classics of their kind.
Authors are made – not born at the first sign of christening and as long as you can write and pull off a manuscript at an early age of what, 6, you can be a published author.
Self-publishing is one venue for authors who wanted to test how their book will fare in the market.
To get into a contract, yes, you must have someone legal to assist you with it. Self-publishing will entail you to make a deposit before going through production and any financial transaction done should be legitimate.
How can you NOT publish? I have known of authors who started as early as 6 to 10- years old.
With parent’s consent, supervision and resources, these children are already raking exposure in the publishing industry as young as they are now.
It pains me whenever I see kids getting discouraged to publish because of their age. There is no age restriction to publish a book. Do you know the youngest author was 4 years old? Best of luck! 🙂
Until you have a salable manuscript, an agent and a publisher are moot considerations.
Write your manuscript. Once you’ve completed the necessary re-writes and edits and polished the pages to perfection, you can begin the process of shopping around for an agent. This is a process that requires a lot of time and loads of patience.
You must keep in mind that an agent relies on salable manuscripts to make a living. Agents turn down far, far more requests for representation than they accept. An agent has no interest in a project that he can’t be almost certain will make money for him.
A publisher bears all the risk. Therefore, the publisher holds all the cards in who and what will be published. The writer, especially a novice, has next to nothing to say about it. This is why the dreaded self-publishing industry has been able to get a toehold.
I won’t cost you anything to write your manuscript, unless you require travel, independent consultants, outside research, etc.
Hiring a good editor is imperative.
An agent doesn’t cost anything, nor does a conventional publisher. Beware of any requests for reading fees, representation fees, etc. A real agent does not assess fees of clients.
To worry about a “major publisher” when you don’t even have a topic is a waste of time. If you are only interested in writing provided you can get a contract with a “major publisher,” don’t bother setting the first word to the page.
If you believe you have something to say that others would willingly pay money to read, by all means forge ahead. But know that there are no guarantees of any kind. If you have all sorts of great luck and the planets line up just right for you and you know how to write, your project should take three to five years to fruition.
It’s a long, long shot. There are plenty of sites online that explain in depth the process. But again, this is of no concern to you as you don’t have anything to offer an agent or a publisher. Focus on getting your pages together and don’t put the cart out in front of the horse.
Just the sort of question you can ask here.
Research Guides for Students.
“Student Researcher is easy to use, fast, and offered me everything I needed, just type the “Author’s” name and or the “Title” into the search engine. You can type in a “Key” word or two, that will help also.
The time to discuss price is BEFORE you do the work 🙂
Plainly no-one is going to sign any sort of contract AFTER you completed the work 🙂
I suggest next time, you quote double your normal rate (and get your Contract signed) and get a written ORDER from them before starting any more work …
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