How To Submit A Manuscript To A Magazine
2010 Best Poetry Website & Upcoming Poetry and Writing Contests For 2011
By Kyle Olechnowicz
The Voting is Complete. The Winner Announced: For the 3rd year in a row, MoonTownCafe was selected as the Best Poetry Website for writers by Writer’s Digest.
What’s so great about MoonTownCafe and why has it been voted the top poetry website in 2008, 2009, and 2010? For those who are not MoonTownCafe Junkies, here’s a few reasons they were voted the best:
– They have dozens of free forums for reading, writing, reviewing and ranking poetry. There’s no monthly fees like many poetry websites.
– Users get their very own Cafe Area for showcasing their work and profile.
– They have a one-of-a-kind point system that allows users to gain points for reading and critiquing poetry; while losing points for posting their own poetry. This forces users to read other people’s poetry on the site while eliminating over-posting. Points have no cash value, you have to help others to earn them and to keep posting.
– They have a poetry chat room, personal blog space, free poetry contests, (no entry or reading fees), friend’s lists, online messaging system, weekly radio show, YouTube area, Facebook area, Free Publishing and too much more to list. Best of all, it’s Free!
Visit them today at __________________________________________________________________
2011 Contest Announcements – Some Ending Soon!
These are a couple of great contest to enter in 2011:
,500 honorarium and book publication: Submit book-length collection of poems to the Colorado Prize for Poetry by January 14, 2011. Final judge is Cole Swensen. entry fee includes subscription to Colorado Review. Complete guidelines at or Colorado Prize for Poetry, Center for Literary Publishing, 9105 Campus Delivery, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523-9105.
2011 STELLA Kupferberg Memorial Short Story Prize. Winning story selected by Jennifer Egan, ,000 prize, and read as part of the Selected Shorts performance at Symphony Space in NYC on June 8, 2011. Theme: Set in Restaurants and Bars, no more than 2 pages, 750 words. Fee: . Deadline: March 1, 2011. Details:
CONVERSE COLLEGE Creative Writing program announces the Julia Peterkin Award in Fiction. Prize of ,000 plus expenses for a reading in Fall 2011. To enter send maximum 16 pages of fiction (published or unpublished), cover letter, and handling fee payable to “Converse College English Department.” Deadline: February 15, 2011. Send: Julia Peterkin Award, Creative Writing Program, Converse College, Spartanburg, SC 29302. Guidelines:…. The Converse College creative writing program congratulates Jude Nutter of Minnesota, winner of the 2010 Julia Peterkin Award.
THE COUNCIL for Wisconsin Writers invites submissions of work published in 2010 by Wisconsin residents in categories including short and book-length fiction and nonfiction, poems, book-length poetry, children
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