How Long Does It Take To Write A Book
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How can I get paid to write book reviews?
A family member suggested that I hook up with a publishing company that pays the public to read manuscripts and write reviews for them before they go to print, but I don’t know how to get into it.. How can I go about doing this?
I’m a veteran of hundreds of critiques, some of pretty bad material. There’s a way to do it that will hurt him the least yet is still honest and could even help him write better.
First off, write your review down rather that saying it. That way you’ll stick to a ‘script’ and not blunder into words which wound him.
Use “the reader” instead of “I” whenever you can.
Find the most diplomatic, neutral way to phrase the negatives, and limit yourself to the most important negatives, say five or six. “This manuscript wasn’t really ready for other readers, since it contains thousands of misspellings,” will hurt him less than “You’re killing me here. Use the freakin’ spell check.”
Identify one or two specific examples to show him what you mean when you say things were really bad. “The story was predictable. As soon as the set-up was complete, the reader knew how it had to end” is pretty diplomatic, but better might be “The story was predictable. As soon as the reader understands Jess’s secret is an incurable illness and that Stevie hates him, we know Stevie will switch from hate to love, learn the secret, and there will be a big saccharine ending.”
Other examples: “The characters feel shallow and stereotypical. They exist only to serve the story and have no past, no memories, no friends or families or interests outside the world of the story. The reader finds it hard to care what happens to them.”
End with something positive, carefully stated. Praise the effort it took for him to write something of this length. Thank him for trusting you with it. Encourage him to keep writing, and to find a writing site where people who know more than you can help him improve. (Whew, you’re off the hook!)
Three Seas Literary Agency-
You need to get an agent to represent your work. Most publishers won’t review unsolicited or unrepresented material.
The above is the name of an agent that I think might prove helpful. Do your research and find the perfect match for you.
How can I publish my children’s books without paying the cost up front?
I write children’s books and would like to get them published. I am looking for a reputable publishing company that is willing to review my manuscripts.
How do I get this job… Manuscript Reader?
Manuscript Reader
A manuscript reader reviews submissions from writers. Generally it is their job to weed out less suitable work and pass on the best of the submissions to an editor such as an acquisitions editor.
Black Cat…
Thank you oh so very much. Your answer was of great help to me. I thoroughly looked through the links you included and they were wonderful.
Would it be possible for us to continue a deeper discussion through email regarding this topic?
Thank you!
You’ll probably have to get an internship at a publishing house or literary agency. Many people who are trying to work their way to becoming a literary agent start at the bottom with reading manuscripts first, and I’ve heard from agents (not the one I’ve linked to) that they have assistants that read all the query letters and forward to the agents the ones that seem promising. It’s usually the agents who read the actual manuscripts, but sometimes the assistants will read the manuscripts and pass them a long, sometimes with comments, but it depends on the agency.
I’ve heard that publishing houses employ manuscript readers for a very low wage, but I don’t know too much about this avenue; maybe you can find some publisher weblogs and see if this is something they’ve written about.
Here’s a blog post by a literary agent that pretty much covers this issue.
Here’s a list of publishers and literary agents, you can visit their sites to see if they have an internships available.
how to review a really bad manuscript?
a friend of mine wrote a novel and asks for a review… the characters, the writing style, the story… everything is horrible, let alone thousands of misspellings. i wonder how he can let anybody read it and i don’t know what to say. i don’t want to hurt him. what should i do?
What do you think of my novel query?
As a first time novelist, I must make a lasting first impression. Now, I must do that by writing an excellent query, and I thought writing the BOOK was hard. Writing the book is like child’s play compared to the query letter, or so I have found. So, any advice would be lovely. Thank you so much.
I am seeking representation for my fantasy adventure novel, Scorched, complete at 100,000 words.
Thrown into a deadly journey to save Nitrical, Cisilt, Ana and Brock must band together in the worst of situations and hope for the best – while avoiding any tricks Scorch might have up his sleeve.
Scorched follows the life of Cisilt, a boy who may want to protect his family a little bit to much, his sister Ana, and Brock, a boy sent to Nitrical from Earth with a few devastating secrets. Cisilt and Ana must trust Brock to show them how to control their elemental gifts, while his alternative motives seem to become more evident. The three of them soon must face challenges that none are prepared for to save the ones they love and their world, and to stop Scorch from controlling their lives forever. All three of them are all equally un-prepared for what they soon learn about each other and themselves.
The market for his book will be adolescent or young adult, those who enjoy science fiction and adventure. My novel ends with a hint of a sequel, as my goal is to continue on with the characters. It finishes with Scorch running away through the portal to earth, thus, Nitrical being saved but our world, earth in danger.
I have been writing for several online and published magazines. They vary in topic and style, and have assisted my writing greatly. I have written articles, reviews and poems.
A #10 S.A.S.E letter is enclosed for your response.
Thank you for reading my query and a manuscript or sample chapter(s) are available upon request.
Thank you,
I changed the first sentence to this,
“Thrown into a deadly journey to save the world called Nitrical, ”
As I am only fourteen, I also wish if you could tell me if you think my writing in my query letter is any good? 🙂
To be totally honest I’m writing very slowly, mostly because I’m a bit drunk tonight, bu,t if you were to seriously got to my web page, like a lot of my mates, I would have a lot of examples for you. Actually this is a brand new site and I am planning to have a great place to start from if you have written something worth reading but even if you haven’t, consider your writing being read and critiqued by my mate Pascha, she is seriously the best I know and you don’t have to worry about her stealing your idea’s because she has too many of her own good one’s – that I hope she will eventually share with you guy’s here. She is a bit self conscious! But the best I know at spelling, punctuation and plots.
Find some books/writers you really like and then write the publisher a nice cover letter and send them a resume.