... children's books reveals how to write a children's book and get it

How to Turn a Boring Book Report Into a Fun Project Kid’s Will Love?

By Jennifer Dobson

Are you a member of the school of thought that says the classic book report is jaded and old? While it’s beneficial to have students do a book report or two throughout the year, there are alternatives that can be more appealing and that will give the students a chance to express themselves in alternative ways. Students can complete a book report assignment in artistic formats or in formats that foster good communications skills while still deriving the same benefit from the task. Let’s look at some alternate book report assignments.

Bringing Out the Artist in Your Students

Students love to showcase their budding artistic skills and you will be surprised by how much fun your students will have by turning a traditional book report into a work of art. You may find that some students are more clearly able to express what they learned from the book through artwork. Some ideas to get you started:

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