Book Publisher Address
How to Write Book Reviews for Your Target Audience
Author: Gaurav Walia
If you are burned out with writing how-to articles to promote your business then consider writing a book review. I recommend you write a review about a book you enjoyed that is related to your products or services. Your review, of course, will be capped off with your 5-6 line by line that includes your contact information and web site URL. Many of the article directories, e-zines and web sites that normally accept articles will accept book reviews too. In addition, you can find and submit to the many sites featuring book reviews.
To begin a review, I start with the format required by Midwest Book Review. I then adapt the format and word count to what is required by each submission site. Midwest Book Review recommends the following format (examples of paragraphs are enclosed in parenthesis):
Book Title:
Publisher Address:
Price: Publication Date: Page Count:
Reviewer Contact Information:
Name: Address: E-mail:
First Paragraph: Include information about the format of the book. A nice touch is to comment on the cover design, table of contents structure and/or glossary at the back of the book.
(Sample: This beautifully laid out trade paperback has a gorgeous and practical design both inside and out. I recommend you read this book with a highlighter and a pen, ready to take copious notes in the blank pages thoughtfully provided between chapters.)
Second Paragraph: Detail the recommended audience and note why they should read the book.
(Sample: Manners That Sell: Adding The Polish That Builds Profits should be required reading for high school and college students and for anyone already in the business environment. Once upon a time, good manners were taught in school and at home, but that time has long since passed. This book provides the perfect refresher course for those of us who learned manners but no longer remember the finer points of etiquette.)
Third Paragraph: Write about the book structure and layout, number of chapters and topics covered.
(Sample: While reading this book, I discovered that the author, Lydia Ramsey, covered every conceivable point of etiquette including many that I had never been taught. Each of the twelve chapters covers one main topic broken down into digestible bite sized chunks of rules and guidelines to enhance credibility and professionalism. Topics include first impressions, greetings and introductions, the art of conversation, dressing for business, telephone courtesy, electronic etiquette, correspondence in business, etiquette in the office, gift-giving in business, etiquette out of the office, dining for profit and doing business internationally.)
Fourth Paragraph: Give a brief biography of the author including their name, name of their business (if applicable), business or personal expertise and if available, include titles of their other books.
(Sample: The author of this delightful book, Lydia Ramsey, is a business etiquette expert with over thirty years of experience working with non-profits, corporations, colleges and universities. She is a frequently published author who presents workshops, seminars and keynotes on all aspects of business etiquette.)
Fifth Paragraph: Recommend the book and offer some ideas of its practical use by individuals or groups. If applicable, mention that it would make a good gift book and wrap up the review with a positive summary of the book.
(Sample: I recommend businesses buy this book in bulk and present one to every employee from the frontline up to the top management. In this ever-changing world of so many consumer choices, the bottom line is often affected by the simple courtesies that can and should be afforded to customers. You need this book if you want your employees to succeed and your business to thrive.)
Add your copyright statement and byline to the bottom of the review and, as usual, have the review proofread by an editor before you begin submission. Your book reviews can be very effective marketing tools that will generate considerable exposure for you
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About the Author
i m Gaurav Walia. i m good author
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If you check her website you will see that Mary Downing Hahn is no longer affiliated with Avon (which is an imprint of HarperCollins) but with Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
Generally it is easiest to contact an author through their publisher or agent, but in this case the author’s direct contact information is available online. Here is her contact information.
Address: 9746 Basket Ring Road, Columbia, MD 21045
Try e-mailing them and explain your situation, I’m sure they’ll give you the mailing address.
Longman Group United Kingdom (June 1972)
New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd.
8/1 Chintamoni Das Lane, Kolkata 700 009, India
Phone:91 33 2241 8411 / 8537 /9094
Fax : 91 33 2241 3852/2241 8537
e-mail: / /
This is the most difficult area of publishing to break into. I just finished ghostwriting two children’s books for a very major publisher (one of the giants) and a celebrity who shall go unnamed.
This is how the children’s book market breaks down right now.
1) About 40% of the market is controlled by celebrities like Madonna, Jamie Lee Curtis etc. Celebrity kids books sell.
2) Another 40% is controlled by tried and true kids authors like Eric Carle etc. They sell too.
3) Another 15 – 20% is controlled by reprints of classic kids books like Curious George etc. They sell also.
That leaves at best 5% for new authors. And lately adult authors like Carl Hiaasen and one of those Higgins Clark women have entered the kids market – reducing your 5% and practically slamming the door on new authors.
In addition, major publishers like the one I write for have huge backlogs of books they have contracted with but haven’t gotten out yet. Kids books take a LONG time to come out.
Therefore, many major publishers including the one I write for have stopped even reading kids books. As a result, agents don’t want to read it either. Not if they can’t sell it.
Unless it is a very exceptional book, it doesn’t have much of a chance in the current market. Spend an hour in Barnes and Noble’s kids dept. and note what books are there. It will confirm this information. You will see almost exactly the breakdown I have described here. I got that info from an exec at the publisher I write for.
The best you can hope for is to go to the library and get a copy of LIterary Marketplace from the research section and start studying it. Search for smaller publishers who are still looking for kids books. Make notes – you cannot check the book out. Then go online and google the heck out of the names and make sure you don’t find any bad info about them. Visit Preditors and Editors and Absolute Write Water Cooler Bewares and Background Checks for info on the baddies out there. There are many.
Make sure you do not send any material to anybody until you are sure they are legit. Otherwise it is lost to you. Then follow submission guidelines and go for it. It is a terribly hard market to break into. A couple books with a small company may help open the doors a little bit for you later on.
Authors have to do research. You have to go to a bookstore and learn your market. Find out what sells and what doesn’t. One more hint … forget about holiday type books all together. They have too short a selling time and publishers are flooded with them. They get declined first.
Hope that helps. Even though it is not great news. Pax – C
If you want such a specific piece of information, YOU need to be more specific. What kind of fiction is it? Are you looking to self-publish or work with a traditional publisher? There’s no point in sending your manuscript to ONE publisher unless you know that they are the kind of publisher you want and publish the kind of book that you have written.
And do you know that many of the larger publishers do not accept submissions from authors? To submit your manuscript to them, you would need an agent.
Here is a list of independent publishers, many of whom publish fiction and DO look at submissions from unpublished authors:
If that doesn’t help, try “Writer’s Market” or one of the more specific market guides.
No one here can give you a short cut. It’s hard to find a publisher, and you may end up putting as much work into it as you did working on your manuscript. And even then, if it’s not good enough, or not in a genre that interests a publisher, you still may not get published.
Just type their company name into Google, or you can use the Business Search on
Workman Publishing Company, Inc.
708 Broadway
New York, NY 10003
The book you are talking about was written by Heidi Murkoff, Arlene Eisenberg, and Sandee Hathaway B.S.N
Great book! It was my pregnancy bible.
First of all, find out as much about the publishing company as you can. You need to know the following.
The publisher’s/editor’s name…And make sure you SPELL IT RIGHT!!! Editor’s who have to sift through thousands of letters and manuscripts will immediately throw away a letter where their name is spelled incorrectly.
What the company publishes. Please DO NOT send in a sci-fi story to a company that publishes only romance or non fiction. Make sure they publish what you are trying to to submit.
How the company accepts submissions. Most of the larger companies (like Scholastic, for instance) do not accept unsolicited manuscripts (manuscripts not requested by them or recommended by an agent.) Find one that does, or get an agent. When you submit your book, make sure it is submitted as requested. Some companies require a querie letter, some want the first three chapters, or only the first and the last, A rare few want the whole manuscript. Most tell you exactly how they want them packaged (the size of the envelope, how the chapters are bound) And if you want a response, ALWAYS include a self addressed, stamped envelope.
FInally, never send a letter, manuscript, or anything without making sure that you have at least one copy of it for yourself. You have no guarantee that you will get anything returned to you.
Best of luck, and I hope this helps!
Go to your local library and check out the latest copy of “Writers Market Guide”. It used to be published by Judson Jerome but he passed away several years ago. Not sure who took it over but it’s still the most valuable resource guide for writers. It’s AWESOME. It has everything categorized by genre’s, each publisher’s submission guidelines, whether they accept unsolicited works and whether you need to send sample chapters or whole draft.
It lists phone, numbers, addresses and contact names!
Good luck!
Does anyone know the address of the publisher who wrote the book ‘What To Expect When Your Expecting?’
I have a reply about some articles i read in the book, and some questions about future books, but i have lost the book and cant find the address???
How do I publish a fiction book? Can anyone recomend a publisher and mailing address?
Please do not answer unless you know both answers and have a valid mailing adress.
I wrote a children’s book anyone know of publisher address for children’s books?
I have heard not to send to just one so if anyone could let me know some addresses to send this in that would be great thank you 😉
I am writing a book! Where can I find a publisher’s address or something?
I am writing a book! Sounds weird I know but still…..The book is almost finished and I want to know some REALLY GOOD publishers and some PHONE NUMBER or ADDRESS to contact them with!
My first choice was Schoolastic!
poppy book publisher’s address?
i want to send them a sample of my work and get published =] tips & advice appreciated- thanks so much
what is the name of largest book publisher of kolkata and its web address?
( require engineering books)
What do I do when I send a book into the publisher?
i have written a book and I don’t know what to include when I send it in.I have a publishers address but if you have a better one can you give it to me?
Need help finding a mailing address for Twilight book publisher?
I am writing a letter to the publishers of Twilight for a college English course. I have come across several addresses online but don’t know which is the right one. The publisher is Little Brown Books for Young Readers, which is a division of Hatchette Book Group. I found a Customer Service address for Hatchette, but can’t find a specific one for LBBYB. Their official website only gives an email address for LBBYB, and I need a MAILING ADDRESS ONLY for their customer service department. Can anybody help me out?
whole address of book publisher “Avon Flare”?
so we are suppose to write a letter to our favorite author and send it..
but i need the address of the publisher of my book to send my letter…
So i read a book by a publisher “avon flare” (never heard of it before)
im sure there is the address in the very front page, along with the info of the book,
but the problem is that i lost the book, so i have no way to get it…
so PLEASE HELP and if you have a book by the publisher “avon flare”,
please look up the address for me…
PS- my book was titled “Daphne’s Book”
and i need to know this by today..
I want to know of the address of Publisher of the book “A GRAMMAR OF CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH”.?
I want to know the address of the Publisher of the book “A GRAMMAR OF CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH” by Randolph Quirk, Sidney Greenbaum, Geoffrey Leech, and Jan Svartvik .