African American Literary Agents
I Am Not An African – American
By Tamika Johnson
I am not an African-American. Don’t call me an African -American. I’m an American plain and simple. I was born here as were my parents and grandparents and you would have to search many a generation back before you found anyone in my family who originated from the continent of Africa. It’s time black people in this country stop trying to identify with a land whose culture is not their own. It’s time we stand up and say “This land is our land” and let everyone know we have a right to this country as much as anyone.
I understand the need for black people in America to find an identity all their own. We are as displaced as a people can be. Brought here in the early seventeenth century, first as indentured servants then as slaves the richness of culture these individuals brought from their various tribes was systematically ripped away from them.
Maybe in calling ourselves African-American we feel we can retrieve some of that richness that is lost to us and was stolen from our people so long ago. However the atrocities of the past are just that, the past and trying to identify with lost cultures isn’t going to help us achieve the respect and prosperity that has alluded us for so long in a country that is still hostile to those of African descent.
Now don’t get me wrong, I’m in no way suggesting we forget about the past. It’s important to study and learn from your forefathers’ triumphs, mistakes and pain. Continuously changing our identification however, is not the best way to use that knowledge. We’ve had several “identities:” from Colored to Negro, Black and now African-American.
How can we expect anyone else to know who we are if we’re not sure of our own identity? How can we expect to come together as a people if we can’t agree on something as simple as to what to call ourselves? Hell the government is not even sure who we are if the 2000 census form was any indication with their Black, Negro, African-American non-hispanic category.
I say dispense with all of the confusion. We’re American. The sweat of our brow helped build this country. Benjamin Banneker a black man, helped design the white house. Something as simple as the traffic light and as life saving as the blood transfusion were created by black people. Americans. From music, to dance, to literature we have given much more to this country then it has have ever given to us. We can be proud in simply calling ourselves Americans because we have more then earned that right. It’s time we make use of it.
I was once asked if I viewed myself as an American first and black second. The answer is as long as America views me as black first then I’ll always be American second. But I’ll never be anything other then American, plain and simple.
(C) 2005 Tamika Johnson
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Literary agent question?
What are the best resources to find a literary agent, one who particularly shops African-American contemporary fiction. Also, how would I verify that they’re reputable. Thanks.
Another thing you can do is look inside some contemporary African-American books to see who represented them. Look in the acknowledgments section to find the agent’s name. Then you can search for them at or to find out their contact information.
Here’s a link to help you research the people that you work with:
Agents? Long question kinda lol?
okayy so yeah i just got my headshots a couple months ago(50 prints) and i haven’t submitted to any agents yet , i’m 15 btw, and yeah i just keep waiting trying to build my resume up you know so i can get a good, top, agent but i feel like i just keep missing out on auditions and everything. Should i just start submitting or wait because i’m gonna start being an extra on stuff like this month(registered with central casting), i was gonna try to start taking acting and vocal lesson by December or January, and my school musical auditions are dec. 1-5 so i’m definatley excited for that too.. so idk?
Heres my resume:
Performer Profile
Gender: Female
Height: 5 feet 3 inches
Weight: 120 lbs
Age range: 12-17
Physique: Slim/Slender, Petite
Hair color: Dark Brown
Hair Length: Shoulder Length
Eyes: Brown
Ethnicity: African American
Voice Type: Soprano
Freedom JourneyHarriet/LeadDel Vallejo Theater
Drill/Dance Team
Intense Cheer Week
Del Vallejo Drama
Cajon Theater Classes
“Wizards Of Waverly Place” Casting Director Workshop
“Camp Rock, High school Musical” Casting director Workshop
Performer Skills
Dance: Club/Freestyle, Hip Hop
Spoken Language: English, Some Spanish
Athletic skills: Basketball, Volleyball, Cheerleading, Swim, Gymnastics beginner
Accents: British, Spanish, Jamaican, Valley Girl, Southern, Australian
Performance Skills: Acting, Singing, Dancing, Host, Improvisation, Comedian
Acting objectives: T.V Shows, Film, Commercial, Voiceover
So yeah i’ve tooken some hollywood workshops i know i can get A AGENT but i was thinking about applying to like CESD, Acme talent and literary, Obrink agency, William morris agency, United talent agency, or Apa agency, lol
okayy so thoughts on resume, how can i improve?
Thoughts on any of these agenices?
and thoughts on my master plan? lol jk on my plan to get an agent?
Thanks so much to anyone who answers!
Ps: easy 10 Points… lol
after it’s finished and polished you would need an agent. They have the expertise to shop it around to the publishers most likely to be interested in it.
Self publishing costs you money and there is little distribution of the book outside of friends, family, and your own efforts. Traditional publishing pays you money and the book is distributed in book stores and libraries. To a large extent, self publishers do not care about the quality of the work vanity presses exist to feed off of people’s desire to be published). Traditional publishers do care, as they exist to provide good books for the public to read.
Consider joining a writer’s group (I like abosulte wite water cooler). You can learn a lot about the publishing industry, the craft of writing, and have access to critiques of your work and listings of reputable and scam agents/publishers.
Anyone thinking about an Agent or anyone wanting information about agents should read all of
If you are too young to sign a contract, have your parents read it also.
Good Luck. I think you are ready.
do you think i could get publised by little brown and company or random house?
I’m not planning on trying to publish until I’m at least 14 and I know I have to have a literary agent, but do you think I have a chance? And the Little Brown and Company division I’m talking about is named Hatchette, I think. And do you think I can have a Caucasian girl, an African American girl, a Spanish girl, and a French girl in my book. The sole reasin I have different ethnicities is because I know that girls like to imitate book characters so I made them all different for everybody. Thanks in advance. And oh, its a chick lit. Think A-list, The Clique, but more realistic
I’m about to start submitting for agents !! Ahhh !?
Umm heres my resume…
Gender: Female
Height: 5 feet 3 inches
Weight: 120 lbs
Age range: 12-17
Physique: Slim/Slender, Petite
Hair color: Dark Brown
Hair Length: Shoulder Length
Eyes: Brown
Ethnicity: African American
Voice Type: Soprano
Freedom JourneyHarriet/LeadDel Vallejo Drama
Our Wars Nurse 3/Singing & Dancing chorus Cajon Drama
Drill/Dance Team
Intense Cheer Week
Del Vallejo Drama
Cajon Theater Classes
“Wizards Of Waverly Place” Robert McGee WorkshopActors Annex
“Camp Rock, High school Musical” Melissa Moss Workshop Actors Annex
Performer Skills
Dance: Club/Freestyle, Hip Hop
Spoken Language: English, Begginer Spanish
Athletic skills: Basketball, Volleyball, Cheerleading, Swim, Gymnastics beginner
Accents: British, Spanish, Jamaican, Valley Girl, Southern, Australian
Performance Skills: Acting, Singing, Dancing, Host, Improvisation, Comedian
Acting objectives: T.V Shows, Film, Commercial, Voiceover
Instruments: Guitar Beginner/Songwriter
.. Ugh it’s not in the right formatt right now but is it better to start submitting right now or after the holidays? because the productions i really wanna go for are like starting SOON! lol So yeahh any advice would be good, i’m kinda freaking out i feel like i need to worry but not to rush it .. does it look good? Good enough for like osbrink talent agency ( I really wanna sign with them!) Or abrams artist agency, or CESD, or Acme talent and literary ! haah i have all these in mind and more so pleaase help !!
Thank you soo much..
Everyone has a chance.
Unfortunately, until you have a finished, polished manuscript, that chance is about 1 in 1,000,000. Once you have the manuscript, it goes up to about 1 in 1000.
And there needs to be more reason for your characters being who they are than “because I’m trying to appeal to everyone”. Don’t worry about your audience right now. Worry about writing a fun book that you’d like to read yourself. You can’t appeal to everyone, and it’s way too easy to try to do so and end up appealing to nobody.
It looks really good. I don’t wanna discourage you but big agencies like Abrams and Oshbrink wont take the time to look at your resume if it hasn’t been sent in by a manager or if you don’t have a recommendation. I tried to do the same thing with no luck. But after I got manager he sent me to Abrams and now im with there Commercial and theatrical group. Try sending to agencies and managers and get into classes they love to see that you are practicing your craft. Please if you have any questions just email me i know what your going through.
What’s the best way to publish and promote a teen fiction novel ?
I’m writing my first novel about young african american teen girls .
I would like to know should I send my novel to a literary agent who will send it to a publisher or should I take the self publishing route.
I would like the pros and cons of both publishing and self publishing
Also what are some good publishing companies that I could submit my novel to ?