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Wineville Chicken Coop Murders Unraveled in Self Published Book

Author: Michael McCain

Ninety years ago, the 1920s were thought to be the Jazzing Age of partying, fun and flappers. A series of events that led to an abominable criminal case convinced the people otherwise.

Gordon Stewart Northcott was accused of abducting children, turning them into sex slaves and disposing their bodies on the ranch after killing them. Such a heinous crime transpired near the chicken house at the Northcott Ranch near Wineville. Hence, Gordon Northcott became synonymous to the Wineville Chicken Coop Murders.

Several boys fell prey to Northcott’s brutal hands and even his nephew, Stanford Clark, was not spared. Clark’s mom eventually found out where her missing son was and reported it to the police. The police’s revelation and Stanford Clark’s confession to his participation in the killings appalled the public when they discovered more dead bodies and missing children than expected.

James Jeffrey Paul wrote of how Gordon Northcott meticulously planned and plotted a murder case that botched up somewhere between his lack of talent and his crazy penchant for the criminal.

Nothing Is Strange with You is a self-published book that took James Jeffrey Paul decades to research and write. The author wanted to publicize the Wineville Chicken coop murder using the perspective of the criminal himself.

Nothing Is Strange with You is available on the online bookstores of Xlibris, Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

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Xlibris is a book publisher founded in 1997 and, as the leading publishing services provider for authors, has helped to publish more than 20,000 titles. Xlibris is based in Philadelphia, PA and provides authors with direct and personal access to quality publication in hardcover, trade paperback, custom leather-bound, and full-color formats.