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How To Write Your First E-book?

By Subhash Kumar

E-books are one of the most powerful marketing tools available in the world today.An e-Book is an electronic version of a book. The term is used ambiguously both to refer to either an individual work in a digital format, or a hardware device used to read books in digital format.

One of the best ways to build your online income is by writing & distributing e-book.E-book can be a very effective tool for marketing your business and they can also be big money makers.The e-book format is one of the most versatile on the Internet. You can use it to create brochures, newsletters, courses offering advice and information about your goods or services, training tools – all for a profit. E-book is also a useful resource for whatever information you are looking for.

Writing your first e-book is not an easy task but you can write your first e-book without caring whatever the outcome is.

There are a few things you should remember if you are going to write an e-book.

•Break it down into manageable tasks. The hardest part of writing is the first sentence. When you look at the whole project, it seems like an impossible task. Be sure to fill it full of useful and valuable information.

•Your reasons for wanting to write an e-book will have a major impact on your success. It may be for financial gain, promoting a business, advancing your career, education, self satisfaction or something entirely different. Whatever your reasons, write them down. It will help to motivate you if the going gets tough.

•Choose the subject and organize your thoughts. Take the time to do the research and write an effective and informative e-book. Your e-book will be circulating around the web and will say a great deal about you and your business.

•After you’ve chosen your subject, you’ll need a title for the e-book. The title should give a clear indication of the content in your book. A catchy title may help to sell it, but remember to balance this with clarity to keep it in context.

•You do not have to be a writer to write an e-book. Just as with articles, all you need to do is gather, organize and outline your information. Always add resources and links when applicable. A good e-book for giveaway can be as simple as a collection of your articles or the articles of other authors.

•Now that you have the foundation, you can begin writing. A standard application like MS Word is a good choice. While you are writing your document you can revise your thesis statement at any time up until it is published. This provides a good degree of flexibility. Choose the format and layout of your document, including chapters, headings and introductions. Dependent on your subject, you may wish to add photographs, anecdotes or testimonials that keep the reader’s attention.

•Don’t forget to run a spell and grammar check, and proofread your own work or ask a friend to do it for you. You are judged by something as minor as correct punctuation, so don’t mess up a great book by tossing out semicolons randomly, or stringing sentences together with commas.

•Finally, create an index and a bibliography.

•After you finish your e-book, you want to start promoting it. Add it to your website, put it in your email sigtag, submit it to as many websites and directories that you can find, add it to your article resource box, announce it on message boards and email discussion lists where allowed, make a separate web page for it and submit the page to search engines.

•Make sure you have contact links listed in your e-book so people can easily contact you or visit your website. Also, be sure to have your subscribe address listed.

I’m not saying e-books are only useful only for finding the information that people seek, but it also useful for promoting their business and website as well as establishing a solid reputation. They are also big moneymakers and just about anyone can write and profit from a carefully and effectively done e-book.

About the Author: Subhash Kumar
SEO Manager
For more details on writing e-book visit our http://www.halfvalue.com and http://www.halfvalue.co.uk websites.

Source: www.isnare.com

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