On Demand Book Publishing
Print On Demand Publishing
Author: M.c.
Print On Demand is often misunderstood because the acronym (POD) has been used to characterize an industry of subsidy prices which charge an author a fee of between five hundred and a thousand dollars in order to put their book in print. This company then makes the book available through Amazon or through special order.
Those books do not sell on the most part, they are not commercial products in the eyes of the publishing industry. However that is not the fault of the print on demand technology. It is also used by the major trade publishers, academic presses, small publishers and self publishers who just do not want to put a lot of inventory on a book.
There are some special advantages to the small publishers who do not have access to the distribution. The vast majority of these books are printed one at a time. The machines that do the printing are not page fed printers, they print on large rolls of paper at very high speeds. The book interiors are in black and white unless you opt for the more expensive color paper. The covers are printed on another machine, the two are put together and the book is shipped out.
This whole process can be done done in under 24 hours guaranteed, allowing for virtual stocking. Basically this means a book shows as always in stock, it is never out of print because the book buyers know they can get the book within one day.
Print on demand does not mean you can not get on bookstore shelves. The reason you go with print on demand in general is because you are trying to reduce your risks. Why print ten thousand books just to try and persuade book buyers that you are in fact serious about the title when most of the time, they are not going to stock the title anyway. Even if they do you are going to get it back
So print on demand technology is a way to save a lot of trees. With offset printing returns could go as high as 30 percent in a bad year. That is 30 percent of the books being printed being pulped and reused.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/publishing-articles/print-on-demand-publishing-1993677.html
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Next, for more FREE tips on print on demand publishingbooks, visit our website here: http://www.waukoo.com/selfpublish/pod-and-self-publishing.php