How to Select Christian Book Publishing Companies

By Andrew Collier

Getting a committed publisher who will journey with the author for the duration of a book project entails a combination of hard work and being savvy. There are plenty of Christian book publishing companies to choose from, but very few are those who will take one’s work seriously. Oftentimes, receiving rejection letters here and there is unnecessary, if only writers take the time to sit down and chart of course of action that will lead them to the right publishing company. A few of them are mentioned here.

First, authors are advised to shortlist companies that are specifically searching for authors and titles, which are a breath of fresh air. These publishers are likely open minded to consider a body of work on topics that have never been explored before. Of course, wide readership is always a factor in a publisher’s choice of a book project, and writers have a huge task of researching on subjects that are novel and universal at the same time.

Second, there are publishers that cater to one’s target readers and they can be potential partners too. Writers will do well to study up on such details regarding their prospective publishers, so that they are not crushed by rejection notices from publishers mismatched in the first place. By simply checking out the many titles publishers have released in the last two or three years can already provide helpful insights for the writer.

Third, it may also help to find the companies that concentrate on the same literary genre. There are publishing houses that focus on producing fiction for children and youths, while others are biased in favor of non-fiction literature, which includes autobiography, biography, and memoirs. Authors with finished manuscripts will benefit from this method of pre-selecting publishing companies. The key is to market the book according to their needs and criteria, which includes genre.

Fourth, those who want wider readership may go for companies with extensive distribution coverage to include the international audience. After all, writers work to be read by as many people as possible. This is especially applicable to authors who write on subjects with global appeal, touching on aspects that are humane and universal. Those with the skill and flair for stories are likely to draw readership, regardless of geography and culture.

Fifth, upstart publishers can be potentially committed partners for burgeoning writers who desire to be prolific authors someday. Such new companies are favorably disposed toward writers who are trying to create a niche in the reading market. Many of the young publishing houses are venturing into releasing e-book titles, primarily driven by advances in computers. Writers should not be limited to the printed page, since they are partakers in the present Information Age.

In short listing Christian book publishing companies, research is a vital component to the process. Nowadays, writers can simply access the Internet for the information they need on publishers. It takes time and energy to sift through websites and forums, but it can yield dividends for the writer later on.

Besides information, training courses on getting published are also available online. To be more adept in marketing books to publishing companies, writers can go through the “Book Publishing Mini-Course” that Trinity Living Today facilitates, free-of-charge.

About the Author: Are you looking for more information regarding Christian book publishing companies? Visit http://www.trinitylivingtoday.com/Book-Publishing-Home-Study-Course.html today!

Source: www.isnare.com

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