I have included this article by Mindy Gibbins-Klein because the tips Mindy outlines are very important to not only new writers, but bloggers and other content creators.

Five Things New Authors Should Think About Before Getting Started.

1. Write for the right reason

When I say ‘right’ reason, people immediately think I am being judgemental and saying that some reasons are right and some are wrong.  Not at all.  What I am saying is that some reasons are right for you and some reasons are wrong for you.  For example, I sometimes get new authors who say, a bit sheepishly, that they really don’t want to make a lot of money from their books.  They are writing for very personal reasons, such as wanting to leave a legacy for their children or really wanting to help people. Why be sheepish about that?  Those are very altruistic reasons.  The other side of the spectrum has people saying that they have received some communication or attended some event where they heard they could make a lot of money by writing books.  Yes, you can make a lot of money, but in my opinion, if that is the main driving force behind the project, the content won’t necessarily be the best that it can be.

2. Be realistic about the time you have available new authors

If you want to create a full-length book, one way or another you are going to need to find about 100-250 hours.  The total depends on many factors, but let’s just say it is not going to happen overnight.  I have worked with hundreds of people over many years and only one has ever written an excellent first draft within a month.  You may be interested to know that he worked on the book for about 80 hours per week.  If you work full time or even part time, have family commitments or other commitments, then you simply won’t be able to drop everything else to write.  Every writer has a different work style and you need to be realistic about your own patterns and situation.

3. Acknowledge the progress you make

The saddest comment I hear (far too frequently, in fact) is that the person is not making any progress.  I tend to haul out the old coaching question, ‘You are not making ANY progress?’ at which point they have to admit they have made some progress but they are not happy with it.  As you can imagine, while the focus remains on what is not happening and what is left to do, the person feels de-motivated and unhappy.  If this happens to you, in your writing or any other area of your life, I would like you to catch yourself and think of one small thing you have accomplished.  Really accept that for yourself and feel good about it.  Then think of another step you have made.  And, if you are feeling bold, think of a third.  By this time, you should be feeling great and excited about continuing with the writing.

4. Become a selective listener

When you are writing, you will receive a lot of feedback from well-meaning friends and family.  Writing can be such a personal experience that it can feel very intrusive when anyone else comments on your process or your output, and even more so if those comments are ‘constructive’ (read: negative).  My best advice to new authors is to whip out a big smile and nod your head.  Don’t get into any discussions that you feel would drag you down.

5. Be creative

This sounds like an obvious thing to say to writers, but you would be surprised how many people are not creative about the way they write, the topics they choose, where they market their work and much more.  Just because you have always written matter-of-fact scientific pieces does not mean that you cannot try your hand at fiction.  I have seen some superb new books and promotional campaigns that only saw the light of day because the author was willing to take a risk and look at things a bit differently.   Get ideas from other writers, successful business people and your coach, and start thinking outside the box.

Mindy is always happy to have a short discussion free of charge about any writing or publishing ideas.  For more information, please visit  www.bookmidwife.com