Print Book
How to Print a Comic Book or Manga Cheap
I recently had to investigate doujinshi printing for one of the artists that works for my publishing company. She wanted to make a 16 page dojinshi to sell at a fan convention. I found a way to print 250 professional quality comic books for close to per copy!
You want to sell copies of a comic book you created at a comic book convention. Perhaps you want to make a dojinshi (a Japanese style comic book that’s based on popular Japanese manga or anime) to sell at an anime convention. Printers will quote you astronomical rates to print very few copies. You can get a better price per comic if you print thousands, but it would be impossible for you to sell that many. What you really need is to print 200 copies or so. How can you do this without paying – a copy? I’ll tell you how!
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It is illegal to pirate an out of print book?
There are books with descriptions that interests me, but if I search various internet stores(and local library), there are out of print or requires me to pay $50 for a secondhand book.
If there is a digital version of the book(not from publisher) would it be illegal for me to “pirate” it?
You can search for e-books on your local public or college library Web site. Usually they are available through the library catalog – which then links you to an outside source like NetLibrary.
You can also try searching WorldCat.
A few sites that offer free books online…
Assuming there is an unexpired copyright, then yes, it’s illegal. I’m not (explicitly) encouraging copyright infringement, but realize that the chances of getting caught are slim to none.
How might a private entity go about purchasing the rights to an obscure and out-of-print book?
So, let’s say there’s a book floating around that’s out-of-print and you’d like to buy the rights for it and it’s got a somewhat limited market. How much might one expect to pay a publisher (if they’re even willing) to sell said individual all legal rights attached to said work? I’m not going to name the book in question; the goal here is a rough ballpark figure and perhaps an explanation of the process that would be involved.
Unless the publisher actually bought ALL rights to the work originally, then you aren’t going to be buying anything from the publisher. You would have to find out who the copyright holder is and if the copyright is still active.
And there is not set amount of money because every book is different.
How to read a book online and print some of its pages?
I need to find 2 books online, and print a few pages of each, for a class. Where can I find and print books online?
(the books are: “Daily Life of Ancient Egyptians,” and “Food in History”
I want to print a single book as a gift. Who can do that?
I am looking for a book printing service that can bind a manuscript in maybe a hardcover book. I have it in PDF format and I’m not familiar with publishing in any way. Most places I’ve looked at online want at the very least 25 copies in order to print.
I’m sorry Flo, Constantine has passed away. ( is a very reliable and honest print-on-demand service. They’ve got no catches or tricks. Go to the site and read the requirements. Basically you have to submit your book in the required format and they’ll print as many (or as few) copies as you like – even one if that’s all you want – and then you pay their (reasonable) price. They will also put your book on their site (if you want) where you can sell it. I’ve done one book with them already (and will do more when I’ve written them) and they’ve even put it on Amazon for me.
How can I re-print an out of print book?
I have contacted the publisher but they say it is indefinitely out of print and there is no plan to re-print (to be specific I am talking about the Christiane F. book). I would like to re-print this book myself, so how would I go by doing this exactly? Would I have to contact the author, buy the copyrights?, etc. etc.
Whoever controls the copyright controls the book. It may not be the author. Then, you need to get permission or buy it.