Canadian Book Publishers
Book Signings
Author: Kim S.
Not only is it possible to move a surprising amount of books at a signing, but it is also a great way for a new author to get used to being “on display” in public. There isn’t the same pressure to perform and entertain as there is at a reading. It is a much more comfortable arena to learn how to talk about (sell) your book to readers.
Although each bookstore does things a little differently, the process for setting up a book signing is fairly standard. It’s a matter of contacting the store’s event coordinator to arrange a mutually available date (Saturday’s are often best for retail traffic) and providing consignment copies of your book to them ahead of time. Sometimes, there is a basic fee involved to cover co-op advertising. In this instance, both the author and the bookstore each agree to pay 50% for any ads that are placed to promote the event. Other than that, the only investment is your books (which, presumably, you already purchased beforehand) and your time (signings generally last for two to three hours during an afternoon).
The bookstore will set up a display table for you ahead of time. From there, it is up to you to engage customers in conversation and convince them to buy your book. You sign it for them and then direct them to the bookstore’s checkout to pay for it. When the event is over, the bookstore will send you payment for your portion of the profits (which is typically 60% of the retail price). They may choose to keep additional consignment copies of your book on hand if they feel there is a good chance they can sell them, or they may return any leftover copies to you.
To improve the success of your signing, it’s a good idea to do your own self-promotion rather than relying solely on bookstore traffic. One way to generate buzz is to post event notices in community newspapers and on as many nearby bulletin boards as possible. Of course, there is no substitute for inviting your friends and family members to these events. (I can always count on my mother to buy up half the stock in one fell swoop!)
Who else can add to this entry about book signings? Any advice for new authors to help them make their own events more successful?
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List of Canadian publishers, some of whom publish erotica;_ylu=X3oDMTE0cHFyYTluBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMwRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkA01BUDAxMV85OQ–/SIG=13k9ji59p/EXP=1235480079/**http%3a//
list of erotica publishers
Be sure to check out any of the publishers with scam busting sites like preditors & editors, Writer Beware (and their blog), or with the erotica and beware subforums. There have been several bogus erotica publishers, and several others have poor reputations. The erotica subforum at absolutewrite can probably help you a lot.
The Canadian publisher is McClelland & Stewart.
You should ask an English teacher to look over your story.
The theme sounds promising, but why is it US based?
Before submitting it though, you need to fix your spelling.
e.g. hurrendous, renound, passed, etc.
I know it’s not fashionable, but it makes a poor impression.
the only Canadian publisher I Know is Dragon Moon Press who are not taking submissions at this time but your age might have nothing to due with what the publisher is looking for. and did you want to self publish or try for a contract. You could try the contest but in the news story it did sound a like a promotion of their new self publishing service
Stephen, for an English-language novel to sell well, it must appear in either (or both) the US and the UK. Why limit yourself to Canadian sales alone? I’d contact agents in both Canada and the US.
there is nothing on their website that indicates what, if any, financial investment you have to make in your book. That sends up a red flag to me. While their terms seem good on the surface, I wonder about hidden fees (like shipping, advertising etc.).
I would procede cautiously. There are other print on demand houses that spell out their terms more specifically. Also check with the BBB to see if there are any complaints (or the Canadian version of it). has a list of publishers. It’s not indexed according to size or anything, but a good many are big enough that I’ve heard of them, anyway.
You will have the most success publishing a novel if you first get a literary agent. Theres a book titled LITERARY MARKETPLACE at local libraries where you can find agents. I know for sure that Harper Collins has a Canadian devision… I’m also trying to publish a book… good luck!
Here try these sites. You have to use Writers Market and follow the rules for unsolicited submissions.
No. Did you sneeze just as you opened the book. That may explain the boogers.
First, write your story.
Edit your book several times to make it the best it can be, type it in proper manuscript form (visit to find out what is needed), consider joining a local writer’s group to get feedback from other would-be writers, and get it proofread by someone who knows what they are doing (don’t rely just on spellcheck). Edit it some more.
There are a tiny number of publishers that accept unsolicited manuscripts (those that don’t go through a literary agent), so getting an agent first is a really good idea.
At the library or bookstore is Guide to Literary Agents, published by Writer’s Digest, or Bowker’s Literary Marketplace (or visit Look for agents that specialize in your genre, and are looking for new clients. Read, and follow, their submission guidelines. In those books will be something about writing a query letter, which is what you send to the agent, first. It’s part synopsis of your book, and part explanation as to why your book deserves to be published. You have only that one-page letter to wow the agent, so take the time to make it a good one. Expect the whole process to take lots of time, and expect many rejections. When you are accepted by an agent, they will send your book to publishers, not you. The whole process is free, except for postage, until your book is bought by a publisher. That is when the agent gets their cut (usually 15%) of the money which would go to you.
Good luck!
I would like to know top 12 Canadian publishers!?
My employer has got a book on a celebrity’s biography in hand and he is going to get it published.
Is Crew Publishing in Nelson a good book publisher?
I’m looking for a Canadian publisher that won’t fleece me.
Does anyone know any Canadian publishers that are well known and would publish a book written by a teen?
I was hoping to publish a book soon. Do you think based on the summary below I will be successful?
When Audrina Clarins, Juliana McGourmery, and Karina Collingwood are sent to Camp Real Life in the Suburbs of NJ, or Brat Boot Camp as the girls would say they are more than mad. The parents of these rich brats have finally had enough of their daughters hurrendous behaviour, attitude, overspending, and party girl act. So they have sent the girls to the renound camp to help them deal with these problems that are gaining the family a bad image. When the girl’s worlds collide will they be able to deal with each others bad girl behaviour and manage to take what they’ve learned in camp and look passed it all? I think not. The girls are in for an emotional roller coaster as they step into Camp Real Life!
Did anyone else find boogers in HP Book #7, Canadian Edition?
I brought home my new HP & the Deathly Hallows and was reading it and some of the pages were lightly stuck together. I found snot in them. I was wondering if the publishers meant for them to be in there. I didn’t eat them ’cause my mom said i could get sick…but i really wanted to. Anyone else find these treasures in theirs?
Does anyone know of a Canadian Publishing company that is willing to read my children’s stories?
I’ve written a series of ten childrens’ books with the same central character and I’m wondering if anyone knows of a Canadian publisher who is willing to read or review them for publication. They’re all the rhyming kind of story in the Dr. Seus kind of format. Oh, and they’re not horrible work, I have had them read by literally dozens and dozens of friends and aquaintances and the response is always extremely positive.
do you know any canadian publishers that will publish a 13 year olds book?
10 points to best answer
how to find publishers for books?
I’m almost done writing my first book , and was wondering about publishers. How do you find them?
I’m canadian. So how exactly do you find publishers?
All answerer’s appreciated. Thank you.
Canadian adult publishers?
Does anyone know of any Canadian book publishers who would be willing to publish adult (in this case, erotic) fiction?
Okay fuck then just tell me adult publishers who would publish a Canadian’s work!
Should I submit queries to American literary agencies as well as Canadian?
I’m from Canada and I want the book I’ve been writing to get published.
So, after I get a bunch of my friends to read it, I’m going to send queries to agencies and book publishers and I was considering sending them to American as well as Canadian agencies/book publishers because there are so few here in Canada.
Thanks. I appreciate your responses.
being 14 years old and wanting to publish a book. Help please? :)?
heeey, i’m fourteen years old and I’m in the process of writing a book that i’ve been working on for about a year and 4 months. I was wondering if anyone could suggest any Canadian publishers to me so i could publish my book. 🙂