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Still Alice Book Author Advocates Self Publishing

Author: Michael McCain

Like any other author who has also had given up on ever seeking traditional publisher’s attention, Lisa Genova rose to the occasion and technically did the entire publishing process herself. Of course, by self-publishing her book, she actually heralded a success story that became everyone’s favorite.

Lisa, the proud author of her self-published book Still Alice, is very much happy with how it all turned out. Before starting on her book publishing experience, she also harbored hopes on being picked up by a publishing house.

For a year, she did the inevitable: blogs, campaigns, queries and all that book publishing jazz until she reached quite a substantial audience. An agent in time chanced upon her crusade and finally got her to sign up on a contract.

Ten months was all it took for her book to be finally at the hands of an agent who sold the rights to Pocket Books. The newly edited book of hers was released January of this year by Pocket Books publishing house.

When interviewed about her views on self-publishing, Lisa explained that the reason she self-published her book was because she couldn’t make any headway on the conventional road to a book deal. Her self-publishing goal was to get an enthusiastic and sizable audience for Still Alice. If creating a buzz was entirely her aim, she definitely came to the right place for self-publishing companies do more than stir a crowd.

Lisa gives this advice for everyone who has already self-published their book: “Get a website. Network online. Write your own press release and post it free at If you can start to feel the vibration of a buzz and you have the money, you might want to consider hiring a book publicist to assist you in your efforts. Say yes whenever possible. Be tenacious. This is likely to be a marathon, not a sprint. Be sincerely grateful to everyone who helps you on your journey, because it will take a village to raise a self-published book. And remember to enjoy it all!”

Lisa Genova did it with Still Alice. So why not get started on that book now? What is your book’s name?

About Xlibris
Xlibris was founded in 1997 and, as the leading publishing services provider for authors, has helped to publish more than 20,000 titles. Xlibris is based in Philadelphia, PA and provides authors with direct and personal access to quality publication in hardcover, trade paperback, custom leather-bound, and full-color formats.

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About the Author

Xlibris is a book publisher founded in 1997 and, as the leading publishing services provider for authors, has helped to publish more than 20,000 titles. Xlibris is based in Philadelphia, PA and provides authors with direct and personal access to quality publication in hardcover, trade paperback, custom leather-bound, and full-color formats.

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