How To Publish A Book
How to Publish a Book: There Are Three Options
Author: Dee Power
How to publish a book is a question many writers ask themselves. There are three options to publish a book:
Vanity/subsidy publishing
Commercial publishing
Is self publishing right for you?
Self publishing means you not only write the book, you’re responsible for every part of the production and sales process. True self publishing means you own the International Standard Book Number (ISBN). That’s important because you set the sales price and discount for the bookstores.
An offset printer is the most cost effective method of printing 500 copies or more, but you’re responsible for all the formatting, interior design and artwork. If you expect the book be profitable, offset printing gives it the best chance. An offset printed book can be less than 20% of the cost of a print-on-demand.
Print on Demand is simply a technology that allows as little as one copy to be printed at a time at a reasonable cost. A 250 page trade paperback with four color covers will cost about .00 each.
It’s a huge undertaking but some titles can be a success when they’re self published.
Vanity/Subsidy Publishing
You can use a publish-on-demand or vanity/subsidy company such as Iuniverse, authorshouse or xlibris. The fees are reasonable and you can print as few copies at a time as you need. One company, doesn’t charge any fees upfront, although you need to have your book, including the cover artwork and formatting all ready to go. Again you can have one copy printed or one hundred. These vanity/subsidy houses will take care of getting your title on amazon and in the Ingram database that the bookstores use to order books.
If your goal is to see your book being sold in bookstores then it makes sense to forgo the self publishing route and consider selling your book to a commercial publisher.
Mainstream Commercial Publishers
There is a bit more cache when a book is published by a mainstream commercial publisher rather than self published. Publishers vary in the types of books they’re interested in. Some only want nonfiction narrative, some cookbooks, others business books. There are a number of resources, both websites and books, which describe what types of books each publisher is looking for, their contact information, and often the name of the editor to contact.
Commercial publishers will pay you an advance, which is simply a fee for allowing them to publish your work, and take care of all the editing, formatting, cover design, and marketing. The advances can run from a few thousand dollars to several hundred thousand dollars. Once your book is accepted, you do not have to pay the advance back, unless of course it’s stipulated in the contract, but that is very rare.
Commercial houses have the distribution and sales force in place to get your book into bookstores. Most bookstores, both independent and chains, do not stock self-published books.
Hopefully this information will help you make the decision on how to publish a book.
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About the Author
Avoid scams and get your book published. Complimentary report Perils and Pitfalls of Publishing for Writers just visit Free Report
Dee Power is the author of several books including The Publishing Primer: A Blueprint for an Author’s Success and The Making of a Bestseller
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I guess since you’re talking about what it costs to publish a book, that you’re wanting to self-publish? With a mainstream publisher the author does not pay for publication– the author is the one who is supposed to get paid. That takes a lot of time and patience, though, since your book needs to be really good–not just one that your friends like, but one that a publisher is willing to take a gamble on, one that looks like it would sell enough to make everyone a profit. If you want to go that route you need to find a critique group of writers in your area so people who know about writing for children can read your work and give you some feedback about how to get it ready for submission to a publisher.
If you do want to self-publish, has a good reputation. Whatever you do, go to the Predators and Editors website or Writer Beware and look up the companies you’re interested in. They will steer you away from the places you should avoid, like PublishAmerica, for example.
Contact the city and state commerce and relevant departments, ask the librarian of your college and or university, ask an other person or a teacher/professor/writer who has published a book and ask a publishing agency
You could get your parents to help. Submit it in their names maybe
The processing of ISBN, copyright, etc. is done by your publisher.
Do you want to get published through traditional publishers? You need a literary agent to do this. If you are in China, you will need to get in touch with an agent based in the US.
You may also self-publish. Leading self-publishing companies are also in the US. Your transactions can be done online.
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I hope you find this answer useful.
Well finding a literary agent is very important. It should be her first priority to find a publishing agent. If she’s having trouble finding one she should tap into the library for specific information (they may know of agents – not necessarily the numbers or addresses) or a local government office (would know what agencies are available and running). Once she has an agent she has a much better shot at getting published.
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