Steps To Publishing A Book
Writing and Publishing Science Fiction Novels in 5 Simple and Easy Steps
Author: Gen Wright
After you’ve written your work, getting published is no doubt a elaborate task. Here are some constructive instructions that will help you write an award winning science fiction novel and publish it profitably.
Step 1: First Draft and Structure
A science fiction book should be structured in three portions: the opening, the middle, and the climax. Once you establish your story plot, you need to reinforce it with any required research. Afterward, you just have to outline your ideas on paper. High doses of imagination are the chief imperative for a triumphant science fiction novel.
Try to uplift your readers from the colorless blandness of ordinary routine life with your novel. Try to conserve suspense in each segment of the novel to make the story line consuming. Let the reader indulge in speculation over imponderable gripping situations. Sketch each segment of the story markedly.
Recognize with your work that good science fiction has believable elements. Science fiction takes current technology and builds upon it. If your ideas are too implausible or past average comprehension, your novel will not strike a chord with readers.
Step 2: Evaluation by Peers
Your initial draft needs to be criticized by several of your colleagues. They will assist not just as proof readers, but will aid you in identifying partial story lines, areas that are not believable, plots that aren’t believable, and characters that are too heroic. Science fiction is based on the suspension of disbelief, but disbelief can only be extended so far.
Online discussion groups like provide helpful advice and appraisal. You can also attend your local library assessment workshop. Workshops permit you to get your book manuscript read by multiple people resulting in more extensive feedback. By permitting you the opportunity to review the stories of another, workshops aid you in honing your writing mettle.
Step 3: The Final Draft
After assessment by your peers, you need to edit your manuscript in order to tie up loose ends and remove the inconsistencies pointed out by your evaluators. Clear away the indistinct minutia and construct a final version that provides a firm narrative. If you are faced with a creativity block, it would be prudent to stash the novel on a shelf for a few days and engage yourself with something else. Once you are revitalized you can finish your novel with restored zeal. If major changes have been made to the novel, it should be reevaluated by your peers.
Step 4: Getting Published
There are a lot ways to locate a publisher for your novel. The first is to read science fiction trade publications. Publishers who openly accept submissions routinely advertise in these publications. A second possibility is to inquire with publishers directly. Look at a few of your cherished science fiction books and contact the editorial department. Request a copy of their submission guidelines and standards. It is most of the time best to do this by mail and include a self-addressed stamped envelope. In some instances, a publisher may have this information on their website.
When picking a publisher make sure they are writer friendly. They should have a track record of publicizing the writers and stories they publish.
Step 5: Critical Review
Get your novel critically reviewed before it is published. Give early review copies to authoritative critics. Then, right ahead of final publication, insert their reviews on the inside or back cover of your novel.
Giving the book to a critic who will pile profuse praise on it even if it is balderdash is not going to aid you in any way. You must have the book reviewed by an expert critic. A fair draft critique can save you from much future abasement. In addition, by getting your novel critiqued by a real critic, you’ll secure some promotion from the organization the critic represents.
These easy but effectual guidelines will go a long way in helping you write and sell your science fiction novel. It is a long process and should not be hurried. In some cases writing, rewriting, and publishing a work can take numerous years. It depends on a good deal of persistence and determination. If you possess these qualities and a good deal of imagination you can travel a long way in the science fiction universe.
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About the Author
Gen Wright is a contributor to the online community Vampire Rave, a social network for real vampires. He also contributes to the Dark Network, a network of paranormal, supernatural, and darker websites.
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As quoted by Sean Connery in the movie “Finding Forester”… “You must first write from your heart, then write from your head.” In other words, write whatever you feel like writing, then go back and edit it until its perfect. If you feel your story is perfect, then get it published. If not, see what you can improve upon.
I will say, though, getting published can be quite depressing. You’ll get tons of rejection letters before you get accepted. Everyone has their own opinion, so they’ll tell you how to edit it to their idea of perfection. Then, you should decide if you want to bend to their will or find another publishing company that will take it as-is.
First, write your story.
Type it in proper manuscript form ( has the details on what is required in a manuscript).
Edit it many, many times to make it as perfect as it can be. Put it in a drawer, and don’t even think about it, for a month or two, then take it out and edit it some more.
Get it proofread by someone who knows what they are doing (do not rely only on spellcheck).
There are very few publishers who accept unsolicited manuscripts (those that don’t go through a literary agent), so getting an agent is a really good idea.
When your book is finished and polished, come back here and ask about how to get an agent. You can also use the search-bar at the top of this page and ask. It’s a popular question.
I have found that has some good information and advice for people who are wanting to publish a book for the first time. I would personally begin with researching the publishing companies that work with your genre of writing. It’s a waste of time to send a copy of your work to a publisher that doesn’t even deal with the genre. How you send your manuscript might depend on the publisher as well. They may have a certain format they want it in and they may not accept it unless you have an agent. Whether or not you get an agent is up to you, but a good agent will get your work to the right people. They are there to make you money, so they don’t get paid until you do.
Well, first write the book. Most publishers won’t waste their time with an unwritten book. After that, go to the book store and find out which publishing company published most of the bathroom books there. Then, contact then either by phone or via email. Send then a sample of your book and if they like the sample, they’ll probably set up a meeting in person with you to discuss publishing it.
The very first thing you need to do is to finish your book. After that, you have to check whether you want to publish through traditional houses or through self-publishing.
There are pros and cons but the bottom line is lies on what really works best for you.
Publishing in traditional houses takes time. Your story needs to go through a review, which is mostly based on what the house wants. When accepted, they buy the rights to your story and they publish it in any way they want. But they are also the ones that will sell your book should they decide to publish it.
If you want to get published immediately and have full control of your story, then self-publishing is for you. You can have someone (in this case, your English teacher), edit it for you for polishing. You can also set it aside for a while and then come back to it for further polishing.
Check on this link for you know the steps in getting yourself published:
I hope this answer if useful to you as you go through your journey as a published book author.
As Lia says, first you should edit your story several times, making it the best it can be. Then get it proofread by someone who knows what they are doing (don’t rely just on spellcheck).
Go to the library or bookstore and look for Guide to Literary Agents (Writer’s Digest) or visit Look for those who specialize in your genre and are looking for new clients. Read, and follow, their submission guidelines.
The query letter is one page long, and it is part synopsis of the book, and part explanation as to why your book should be published. You have that one page to wow the agent, so take the time to make it the best you can. Expect the whole process to take lots of time, and expect many rejections. When you are accepted, the agent will send your book to publishers.
Any agent who asks for money up front should be avoided; there are no expenses, unless you self-publish. The illustrations and cover design come much later in the process; you will get some input, but, basically, it’s the publisher’s decision.
Good luck!
First, write your story.
Edit your book many times to make it the best it can be, type it in proper manuscript form (visit to find out what is needed), consider joining a local writer’s group to get feedback from other would-be writers, and get it proofread by someone who knows what they are doing (don’t rely just on spellcheck). Edit it some more.
There are a tiny number of publishers that accept unsolicited manuscripts (those that don’t go through a literary agent), so getting an agent first is a really good idea.
At the library or bookstore is Guide to Literary Agents, published by Writer’s Digest, or Bowker’s Literary Marketplace (or visit Look for agents that specialize in your genre, and are looking for new clients. Read, and follow, their submission guidelines. In those books will be something about writing a query letter, which is what you send to the agent, first. It’s part synopsis of your book, and part explanation as to why your book deserves to be published. You have only that one-page letter to wow the agent, so take the time to make it a good one. Expect the whole process to take lots of time, and expect many rejections. When you are accepted by an agent, they will send your book to publishers, not you. The whole process is FREE, except for postage, until your book is bought by a publisher. That is when the agent gets their cut (usually 15%) of the money which would go to you.
If you decide to self-publish, then you will pay (potentially up to a couple of thousand dollars, depending on which publisher you choose). Also, the marketing of your book is up to you.
First off, write what YOU want. Don’t let people discourage you by telling you that the plot has been done before and that no one will read your story. You know how many girls are on here everyday asking for vampire books like Twilight? Many people use the same plots but they make the storyline original. There’s always a theme. Usually in fantasy it’s good vs. evil. Done SO MANY times but people still crave fantasy worlds. So basically, make this story your own and original. As long as you don’t steal storylines, characters, etc. from other people then you’re cool. Anyone can make a story about a vampire falling in love with a human, not just one person. Like I said, just make it your own. Make it different from other plots that are the same. You can make this work. Now that you have the courage, the next steps are to get it published right?
Look over and over your work. Edit and re-edit. Make it clear of mistakes, errors, etc. Research online about how to send in your book, be ready for rejection, and don’t give up! Stay strong and also, look on many famous author’s sites. They may give help on how THEY made it. What they did to send in their book etc. So, just research around. And I honestly don’t suggest getting a copy of Writer’s Market. I’ve tried it and honestly, I think it’s a waste of time unless you really want to read that big book. Just start from scratch, work your way up, and don’t give up. Good luck!
Bookemon site allow you to publish book fore free.U upload/edit/publish your book online without downloading any additional software and all control ed by your self.
You can buy ISBN for your book to make it more professional.
You can allow your friends read your book online. And when the others buy a copy of your book, you can earn a piece of royalty.
Overall, it’s all by yourself and you don’t need see any one else’s eyes to allow you do so.
Here is a website which you can do so:
There are tons of books published every day on bookemon, come and make your own one.
i would suggest getting a book on publishing.
there is one called “everything you need to know about publishing”
it would probably help alot!
what are the steps to publishing a book?
i want to write one of those funny bathroom books with illustrations, what steps should i take?
Please don’t put that I should pick up a copy of Writers Market. I would like to know though the steps in publishing a book. How do you do it? The more details the more helpful you’ll be. Thanks.
FYI, I Have no intentions on self publishing.
im a teen author: what are the steps of publishing a book i finish?
yes im only a teenager! but ever since i was little i have been writing things: stories, poems, songs, etc. and ive been working on two stories about a vampire falling inlove with a human and i dont know where to go from there, after i finish them. any tips or ideas or places you know of that i could send a copy of my story to where i could possibly get it published? HELP. thanx!
What are the key steps to publishing a book?
Fiction. I’ve been trying to find good solid answers for a while but I wasn’t sure who to ask. Then it hit me. Yahoo! How do I go about this? I’ve finished the story, but I need to know what’s next and what sort of expenses I could expect? When to the illustrations come in? How? Who? Why? ETC? any answers are appreciated.
Can you tell me the steps of publishing a book?
I am currently working on a novel. After it is complete, I plan on having my English teacher read over it. Then, my plan is to have it published, but I do not know exactly how that works. Nothing over the internet, and also, I would like to know how to advertise it.
Steps for publishing a fantasy book?
I have had this story running in my mind for a while now, and am planning on writing it out soon, but after it’s written, what do I do? Who do I talk to and how would I get my book published?
What are the steps to publishing a book? Do they advertise the book for you? Help!?
I am currently writing 3 books and have found several publishing websites that cost a lot of money. I would very much like to know about the process so i know exactly whats going on and not being a clueless moron. Help if you can and if anyone is in contact with a publishing rep or anything please email me at: Thank You.
What are the steps involved into publishing a book?
Like, I finished writing a book, so now what? How do I get it published? Do I just send it to a bunch of publishers, or does have to be in a specific format?
How do I send it? Just the story or with something like a resume or cover or something?
What Are The Steps in publishing a book?
im making a book and i just wanna be sure what are the steps
to publish the book. and i would really appreciate it if someone
could answer truthfully [:
thanks for reading.
What are the steps to publishing a book?
I wrote the first draft to a child’s book that I am contemplating on if i should continue writing drafts or not to improve it. And i just want to at least know the process and steps to getting a book published.