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Eulogy Writing Tips – How To Write A Eulogy

By James Nardel

A eulogy is a speech written to be read at funerals, to commemorate the memory of a departed one. Speech writing can be daunting at the best of times, but when you are in the midst of grieving process, it can be extremely difficult to compose yourself enough to write a eulogy worthy of your loved one. After all, it is considered a great honor to be asked to write a eulogy and while the whole purpose of an eulogy is to speak from the heart while commemorating the person who has passed away, there are a few things to remember to help you along with writing an eulogy.

The best way to start is to collect all the necessary biographical information about the person who has passed away and this can be done with a help of other family members, friends, co-workers. This will help you not only to gather all the information to be included or mentioned in the eulogy, but also to enable you to decide early on the tone your writing will take. Some people opt for giving a serious speech about accomplishments achieved by the deceased in his/her lifetime, while others can decide to take on a more humorous tone remembering the fun times, the good memories and the laughter shared.

The best eulogy would be a combination of both mentioned above, done in good taste and with a positive outlook. When you are grieving, it is normal that your thoughts are about death, but remember it is about celebrating a life lived as well. Collecting the information is also a good way to start as it will force you to write some things down. It will take a little time to make it perfect, so do not get frustrated if you are unable to write eulogy in one sitting.Writing down the information will help you to observe the flow of your eulogy.

Remember to be sincere, as it will be felt by the congregation. Rehearse your eulogy with a family member or a friend to get their feedback, so you can edit if it is necessary. Once you are done with the writing, practice a few times in front of a family member, a friend, even a mirror will suffice.

About the Author: Learn more about Writing a Eulogy and download Heartfelt Eulogies – Eulogy Guide with Pre Written Eulogy Templates, Famous Eulogy Examples, Eulogy Quotes and Funeral Poems at


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