Emory Magazine: Winter 2008: Quilt of Many Colors

How Deconstructing My First Novel Helped Me Recover My Brain – Episode 5

In my late fifties, recovering from a near-fatal stroke and looking for a project to help kickstart my brain, I came across the manuscript of my long-forgotten first novel. When I decided to re-work the manuscript, I embarked on a roller-coaster journey of self-discovery. This is the fifth episode in that journey. More will follow.

The Second Chapter

The next morning was dull again.  It had rained during the night, and everything was still wet and miserable outside.  I felt as gloomy as the weather.  I wanted the project to lift some of that gloom, but I wasn’t pinning my hopes on it.

Content Source: BukisaHow Deconstructing My First Novel Helped Me Recover My Brain – Episode 5