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The No-Brainer Book Writing Template For Successful Authors

By Christopher Granger

Even with all the modernization and advancement in technology that the world is currently experiencing, there seems to be no end in sight yet for the written or the printed word. Books are still a popular way for people to learn, be entertained, or widen their perspectives. Today as it was before, books serve the purpose of storing the thoughts and musings of people from different walks of life and fields of learning and preserving those messages for future generations. It is a fast, effective, relatively inexpensive, and timeless way to get your message out to the world.

The importance of books is unrivaled and so it comes as no surprise that either every year established publishing companies or the growing number of self-publishers publishes around 170,000 books in the United States alone. Out of this huge number though is the sad reality that only 10% get a share of 90% of the total sales of books. That means that a lot of books fail to make any significant sales or profit. This is may be discouraging for most people who have tried their hand at publishing or who are thinking of writing their own book, but it doesn’t have to be the case if you are aware of the publishing secrets of the most successful authors.

Yes, just like anything that’s worth doing, there is a certain way to do things when it comes to writing a book – a book writing template that will give you a sure shot at success.

1) 10 questions to ask yourself before writing a book

The first thing in this book writing template is that you have to define the purpose of your book and why you are writing it. Before you even try thinking of the first sentence of your book or of the title, ask yourself these questions first:

* Why do I want to write a book?

* Who do I want to reach with my book?

* What is my book going to be about?

* How will I write my book?

2) Select a topic

There are countless of fields and professions that can benefit from the book you are writing. Choose a particular field and let this be the center of your brainstorming sessions for the content of your book. You want to have laser focus on a particular topic so you will produce something that will be highly relevant to that field.

3) Be ready to face your fears and the expenses

If you think that book writing is all about your talent and creativity, well you got it all wrong. The best writers will be the first to tell you that it takes a lot more than that. A good book requires effective publishing and especially good marketing in order to be successful. These two take money and risks and so prepare yourself for these things.

4) Make the most of your connections

When you enter the field of book publishing, you are setting up a business of sorts so you have to know the right people and use the proper connections. Local bookstores, community libraries, bookstore chains, these are only a few of the important connections you should be working on as early as now.

About the Author: Are you looking for more information regarding book writing template ? Visit http://www.trinitylivingtoday.com/Book-Publishing-Home-Study-Course.html today!

Source: www.isnare.com

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